
共 793 個結果
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Rate cuts alone won't help the world ride out Covid-19 crisis

... he normal ups and downs of the world economic cycle, but a sudden and wholly unforeseen factor. The interest rate cuts might help ease the credit environment, but they may not be able to address all t ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

How BlockFi is growing its 'bitcoin lending' business

Investments in cryptocurrency have remained broadly depressed through a prolonged "crypto winter" after 2018. While a growing number of crypto ventures and startups struggle for funding and survival, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

華抗疫累物流業 iPhone晶片商降收入預測

... l Service,UPS)與聯邦快遞(FedEx),都發出今年首季度業績警告,其中UPS披露季度業務明顯放緩 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月05日


... 濟構成負面影響。■ UPS與FedEx分別稱,首季業績料受疫情打擊。■ 美國10年期債息一度跌至0.919厘的 ...全文


UPS與FedEx警告 疫情拖累首季業績

美國速遞公司聯合包裹(United Parcel Service, UPS)與聯邦快遞(FedEx)分別表示, ...全文


Computing sub-sector to keep driving Nasdaq in the era of AI

The stock market correction that started recently was again led by the technology sector. Yes, a leading sector tends to lead both ups and downs in cycles. We all know that tech has been the leader: C ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-26

【EJFQ信析】運輸指數背馳 美股不祥之兆

... dEx)和聯合包裹(UPS)等,較下游企業更能反映經濟狀況。 運輸股表現相對遜色,加上同樣被視為具前瞻性的小型 ...全文


運輸指數背馳 美股不祥之兆

... dEx)和聯合包裹(UPS)等,較下游企業更能反映經濟狀況。 運輸股表現相對遜色,加上同樣被視為具前瞻性的小型 ...全文



... 遞公司之一聯合包裹(UPS)周三(29日)亦宣布,將向英國初創Arrival訂購一萬輛電動貨車,以減少碳排放及 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月31日

UPS訂1萬輛電動貨車 109億建運作中心

全球最大速遞公司之一的聯合包裹(UPS)宣布,將向英國初創企業Arrival訂購1萬輛電動貨車,以及入股該間企 ...全文



... 生力軍,指日可待。 UPS當然唔輸蝕,去年搶先在美國啟動無人機運送服務。UPS又研究過,少數怕長計,如果每個司 ...全文


World Bank trims 2020 growth forecast amid slow trade recovery

...  to flare-ups in US-China trade tensions as well as rising geopolitical tensions. World Bank officials said they were not able to estimate the growth effects of a wider US-Iran conflict, but said thi ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-09


美國聯合包裹(UPS)周二預期,周四的禮物退貨日(National Returns Day)將有約190萬件禮 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月02日


美國速遞巨擘UPS周四表示,由於網上購物數量增加,預料今年聖誕假期過後的退貨量將連續第七年創歷史新高,估計在2 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年12月28日


美國速遞巨擘UPS預期,隨着消費者更多採用網購服務,零售黃金檔期後的退貨率將創下紀錄新高。 UPS預期,1月2 ...全文


Let our children have a hopeful Christmas

... se follow-ups and community service orders, we can minimize their physical and mental trauma, and prevent them from having lifelong criminal records. Besides, it is already an international trend amon ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24


... 貨量為65億件,超越UPS的50億件,以及FedEx的34億件。 ...全文



... 戶仍可使用聯合包裹(UPS)或亞馬遜的倉儲付運服務,但亞馬遜在假期的收費往往較高。 消息曝光後,FedEx周一 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月18日

Amazon blocks sellers from using FedEx for some Prime shipments

... FedEx and UPS move packages great distances – at times from factories on one US coast to customer doorsteps on another – and are more exposed to weather and other disruptions. News of the FedEx restri ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-17

Russia banned from next Olympics over doping scandal

... ing cover-ups at the 2014 Sochi Games. Monday’s sanctions, which also include a four-year ban on Russia hosting major sporting events, were recommended by WADA’s compliance review committee in respons ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-10

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