... 括萬達、海信、蒙牛、Vivo,因此在俄羅斯比賽場館只可以買到蒙牛的酸奶(乳酪)和雪糕;國際足聯(FIFA)全體 ...全文
... 乳業(02319)及Vivo則是今屆世界盃二級贊助商,餘下為麥當勞及百威;電動車公司雅迪(01585)、VR公 ...全文
... set maker Vivo and three Hong Kong-listed companies – milk producer Mengniu, white goods maker Hisense and e-bike manufacturer Yadea. These Chinese bigshots will be standing along with such global bra ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-12
... 小米創辦人雷軍,以及VIVO創辦人沈偉作商務洽談,集中討論成長型產業的合作方案。 上述4家企業均為三星電子配件 ...全文
... Oppo and Vivo since 2016. But the company managed to stage a recovery last year with its big push in India, where its market share has risen to 31 percent in the first quarter of this year, according ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-26
... units and Vivo with 17.34 million units. Huawei ranked fourth with 14.42 million units. If that is the case, iPhone shipments in China appeared on a growth track in China as it sold over 5 million un ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-25
... 錢賣廣告的Oppo和Vivo,連美國賣芯片的Qualcomm都有。亦有在深圳土生土長的中興(00763),廣告 ...全文
... 合資的非洲燃料零售商Vivo Energy上市,分別在英國倫敦及南非約翰內斯堡掛牌。由於業務針對非洲消費市場的 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年04月12日
... 為、小米、Oppo和Vivo在出貨量和技術方面正迅速趕上。智能手機的功能創新競賽將推動手機組件升級,從而帶動2 ...全文
今日信報理財投資市場觀點何衍庭 、 張一鼎 、 邱琳2018年03月16日
China's smartphone market has seen intense competition over the past few years with four local brands capturing more than 60 percent of sales in 2017. Huawei Technologies, Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi Techno ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-22
... 帶來潛在的增長空間,VIVO已經用作前置鏡頭,而華為及iPhone都有機會陸續採用相關的鏡頭。該行預期,集團2 ...全文
... %。聯想、Oppo與Vivo緊隨上述兩大公司的後面,各自佔據大約6%的市場佔有率。 不過,研究數據亦指出,三星 ...全文
... e Huawei, Vivo and OPPO. The brand is no different from other players as it seeks to gain market share through low-price products, rather than trying to develop original products with own technology a ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-10
... (Hisense, Vivo and China Mengniu Dairy) fit this profile. Significantly, several of these sponsors are either state-owned entities, or else (in the case of the Chinese corporations) are from an econom ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-03
... 團海信及智能手機品牌vivo獲得第二級別贊助商權益、萬達集團是2016至2030年國際足協的頂級贊助商之外,蒙 ...全文
... 減,特別是Oppo及Vivo,其他二線手機相機模組(CCM)供應商所受的影響應較舜宇更嚴重,相信舜宇今年出貨量 ...全文
... ,推出拍片王手機,而vivo手機則開發出針對逆光及弱光環境的拍攝技術等,五花八門的新功能,只為將拍攝樂趣進行到 ...全文