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... nes-Oxley Act,更是導致更多的跨國公司來到倫敦上市,英國脫歐可能導致另外的一個意外發生,不一定是壞 ...全文


How HK can gain from financing One Belt One Road

... aced with action. If we continue to see the OBOR initiative gather pace over the next decade we are looking at huge opportunities for businesses in Hong Kong. The Chinese government has explicitly sta ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-09

Minimum wage: Time for a pause or time for salvage?

... e has in fact become less and less relevant to low-paid workers on all counts. It is so low that it provides almost no protection to low-paid workers despite its existence and uprates. Saying that the ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-08

Localist groups eat into traditional pan-democrats' support base

... democracy activists shows that many Hongkongers want a different kind of politics and better governance of the city, the Hong Kong Economic Journal noted. Candidates from groups advocating localism or ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-06

Saudi Arabia, Russia to cooperate in world oil markets

Saudi Arabia and Russia have agreed to cooperate in world oil markets, saying they will not act immediately but could limit output in the future. The announcement sent prices higher on hopes the two t ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-06

Pre-election banquet may have broken law

... ency will act if it receives a formal complaint. In a live broadcast Thursday on Facebook, Lee dismissed accusations of bribery at the banquet, saying the guests paid their way and the lucky draw priz ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Separatism: What goes around comes around

...  that any act of advocating Hong Kong's secession from China is against the Basic Law. He also confirmed that Chief Executive Leung had earlier met with the vice-chancellors of the eight local univers ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-25

Teenage boy arrested for groping fellow Pokémon GO player

... thigh, an act that eventually led to his arrest, Apple Daily reports. Due to the hot weather, many female players were wearing shorts and miniskirts as they were out in the park. The victim, a student ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-23

Silencing people by law is like blocking a river with a dam

... ependence activists from running for the Legco election, and now he is taking a step further by trying to ban any discussion about Hong Kong independence in our educational institutions. It remains op ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-23

Illeism: from Charles de Gaulle to Donald Trump

... sm is the act of referring to oneself in the third person or by one's own name in speeches or writings, instead of using the word "I". In literature, illeism is often used as a stylistic device by aut ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-22

Schoolkids become targets in Orwellian thought control

... t further action. It is important to note that punitive action is being contemplated for the act of merely discussing something that the bosses in Beijing do not wish to be discussed. Those advocating ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-19

When will China economy bottom out?

... kers, in fact, are divided over the answer. In March, Premier Li Keqiang said the economy had a good start this year. Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli soon made similar remarks. Yet two months later, the Peop ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-17

How Beijing is trying to set the agenda for the Legco election

... pposition activists in the Legco election.  The aim is to create divisions in the pan-democratic alliance, which is already struggling over the issue of localism, and help the pro-Beijing camp win the ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-16

HK people have a duty to defend national sovereignty: CY Leung

... bing such actions as extreme violation of laws, the academy called on all school managers and administrative staff to closely monitor and take necessary actions against offenders. Bernard Chan, a memb ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-15

Questions raised over police awards after Mong Kok incidents

... ovocative act and will widen the mistrust between the public and the police.   A policeman who fires shots should not be deemed brave, said Chan, who is seeking re-election from a seat in the New Terr ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

Why political impartiality of civil servants is crucial

... aid EAC's action amounts to political censorship and constitutes the most serious violation of the rule of law in Hong Kong. Shortly after the commission announced that anyone intending to run in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

Dark-skinned woman complains of racism on MTR train

... er tissue act. Deeming it to be act of racism, the passenger filmed the Chinese woman and the boy on a mobile phone and later uploaded the clip onto Facebook.     "The lady was actually fine; she wasn ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09


... -Steagall Act強制投資銀行與商業銀行業務分家,背後的政治經濟邏輯如出一轍。原來,戰後一些商業銀行一 ...全文


How to raise a Louisa Mak

... balancing act between exercising power over children and allowing them freedom. Parents ought to reduce their restrictions on their sons and daughters as they grow up, Mak explains. For instance, when ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-05

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