... 克志、浙江省委書記夏寶龍、福建省委書記尤權、貴州省委書記陳敏爾、深圳市委書記許勤等官員,就各自職責範疇的改革情 ...全文
... 額超過350億元。 寶龍將提高派息比率 保利置業去年業績扭虧為盈,賺8074.5萬港元,每股基本盈利2.21港 ...全文
... 額12%至13%。 寶龍純利升19% 另一方面,寶龍地產(01238)昨晚公布,去年純利24.65億元,按年增 ...全文
... 站、寶華站、荔香站和寶龍站等不同項目,升值潛力巨大。 「集團轄下擁有自家建築品牌,無論在策劃、設計或建築施工上 ...全文
... Baolong (夏寶龍), a hard-core figure who became the province’s top official since 2012, is believed to be the mastermind of the campaign. Crosses are targeted in the name of Xia's broader three-year camp ...More
EJ Insight2014-08-14
... Baolong {夏寶龍} and governor Li Qiang {李強}. The old factory used to produce Geely’s entry-level models priced at around 50,000 yuan (US$8,250) and local newspapers proclaimed that the new 12.1 billion ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-11