... 謝中,脫氧核糖核酸(DNA)會轉化成嘌呤(Purine),然後再轉化成尿酸。嘌呤也在正常的食物中攝取。血液中的 ...全文
... 將病毒的RNA轉化成DNA。在病毒的DNA生成後,另一種病毒酵素──整合酶便會登場,它負責把病毒的DNA嵌入人 ...全文
... 月下令開棺抽取達利的DNA,最終測試證實兩人沒有血緣關係。達利基金會周三表示,這個結果讓一齣荒謬的假爭議畫上句 ...全文
上月底亞馬遜(NASDAQ︰ Amazon)剛完成收購Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ︰W ...全文
本港最新公布7月零售數據增長4%,遠較市場預期升0.1%高,市場普遍解讀為零售跑出原因有股樓暢旺的財富效應影響 ...全文
... 題材是輕科幻類型,跟DNA或分裂有關,或是一些犯罪題材或病毒災難片,希望作出不一樣的嘗試。」 程偉豪 ...全文
美股隊長又有好書推介,名曰《下重注的本事》。作者帕波萊(Mohnish Pabrai)旗下基金1999至200 ...全文
A woman’s body found on a beach in the southeastern part of Hokkaido, Japan, might be that of a female teacher reported missing last month. A DNA test is under way to see if the decomposing body is th ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-28
What is your company? What does it believe in? What does it they stand for? And why should anyone care? Values are the source code, the DNA that lies at the heart of any organization. It is values, mo ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-28