... ged since the last CG Watch. The DNA of the stock marke ...全文
... 創辦人鄭文傑、We The Hongkongers總監許穎婷、World Liberty Congress亞太 ...全文
There should be no surprise that one in six Hong Kong people went to the mainland over Christmas holidays. That was according to the data by the Immigration Department, showing some 1.32 million local ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-27
There’s a story I very much enjoyed telling some of my debating students – back when I was an active coach. Consider a close circle of friends, Bob, Mary, Sue, and Thornton. Through years of fraternis ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-27
Whether you’re still on the lookout for inflation head fakes or feeling more optimistic about a soft landing for the US economy, we think it’s a good time to re-evaluate portfolio allocations to the o ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-27
If it is Christmas, it must be “The Nutcracker”. The top ballet companies in New York, London, Paris, and other dance capitals are all performing at this year-end this Tchaikovsky classic which was pr ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-27
... ,2021年新地元朗The YOHO Hub首輪賣出263伙,令當年聖誕節長假成交量達293伙,即使不計The ...全文
... 分店,並已開設首間「The Cheesecake Factory」。他透露,位於觀塘apm商場的simplyl ...全文
... 界形容為「極地狼」(the Polar Wolf)監獄,是俄羅斯環境最嚴峻的監獄之一,主要囚禁為犯下嚴重罪行人 ...全文
佐敦The Austin 1A座低層A室,實用面積約620方呎,座向東方,屬2房間隔,設有露台及工作平台,租客 ...全文
將軍澳THE PARKSIDE 2座中層D室,實用面積約725方呎,3房間隔,座向東南,外望海景及開揚市景。買 ...全文
... hitecture The next generation選為45位40歲以下特色世界建築師之一;2011年入 ...全文
... n)、䁥稱「巨石」(The Rock)的演員狄維莊遜(Dwayne Johnson)、男星麥克華堡(Mark ...全文
購物旺點大阪心齋橋一帶發展成熟,由於地皮供應短缺,因此近年發展擴至鄰近的島之內,新盤The Peak Shin ...全文