... habet旗下谷歌(Google)跟隨亞馬遜、Facebook(fb)及微軟等科技巨擘,容許在西雅圖僱員在家中 ...全文
... x deaths. Google on Thursday joined Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft in recommending employees in the Seattle area work from home, after some were infected with the coronavirus. The companies’ work-from ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-06
美國華盛頓州西雅圖市成為新冠肺炎肆虐的州份,因應疫情嚴重,Alphabet旗下谷歌(Google)跟隨亞馬遜、 ...全文
... 影響,科技巨頭谷歌(Google)、微軟、Facebook等,今年上半年的開發者大會計劃亦要變陣。Google ...全文
... ,搜尋引擎公司谷歌(Google)最新確認,取消加州的開發商年會Google I/O,現以電郵知會已報名的參加 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月05日
... .7%。瑞銀推薦買入Google母公司Alphabet、Facebook、亞馬遜、Lowe's及寶潔(P&am ...全文
谷歌(Google)旗下雲端遊戲服務Stadia,自去年11月推出至今已近4個月,但平台僅28款遊戲可供選擇。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月03日
... 巨大方便和便利。例如Google原是做搜尋引擎(這個還勉強可說有Yahoo競爭),然後收購YouTube(這個 ...全文
... 序為蘋果公司、微軟及Google母公司Alphabet。蘋果已經取代微軟成為基金投資最多的股份。最大的債券投資 ...全文
外媒報道,Google已向美國政府提出申請,希望繼續與華為合作,為華為智能手機提供GMS移動服務。 消息稱,A ...全文
Alphabet Inc.’s Google said it will invest more than US$10 billion in offices and data centers across the United States this year, Reuters reports. The company said the new investments will be focused ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-27
Google persuaded a federal appeals court to reject claims that YouTube illegally censors conservative content, Reuters reports. In a 3-0 decision that could apply to platforms such as Facebook, the 9t ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-27
Google(谷歌)母公司Alphabet行政總裁皮采(Sundar Pichai)表示,谷歌今年將在美國投資 ...全文
... 國市場依賴度高,加上Google Mobile Service缺失影響,料2020年華為全球銷量將按年跌10% ...全文
... the full Google Android experience on the new device. The latest folding phone will be sold in China and overseas markets starting next month at a suggested retail price of 2,499 euros (US$2,710). It ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-25
... lphabet’s Google by making them liable for state prosecution and civil lawsuits. It does so by threatening a key immunity the companies have under federal law called Section 230. This law shields cer ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-24
... 8年開發雲計算技術。Google Cloud、富士通及IBM現時均是聯科的專業認證合作夥伴,而戰略合作夥伴則有 ...全文
... ebook、亞馬遜和Google母公司Alphabet均跌逾2%,英特爾下滑1.70%。 世衛總幹事譚德塞(T ...全文