... 約900方呎舖位,由鱷魚恤(00122)承租,月租約48萬元,呎租533元。該舖曾丟空超過一年,叫租曾達55萬 ...全文
... 點為觀塘開源道79號鱷魚恤中心22樓。 而會德豐地產旗下將軍澳日出康城第5期MALIBU,則加快推售部署,現正 ...全文
... 鄰近觀塘港鐵站,旁為鱷魚恤中心及apm商場,地盤面積約2萬方呎,現址為一幢樓高15層的工業大廈,設有3部升降機 ...全文
Zimbabwe’s military seized power on Wednesday, saying it was holding President Robert Mugabe and his family safe while targeting “criminals” in the entourage of the man who has ruled the nation since ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-16
Zimbabwe’s military said on Wednesday it had seized power in a targeted assault on “criminals” around President Robert Mugabe who were causing social and economic suffering, but gave assurances the 93 ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-15
由尖沙咀喜來登酒店崇光百貨至柯士甸道尖沙咀警署一段彌敦道(下稱彌敦道尖沙咀段),屬一線零售街,最近竟出現19個 ...全文
After 36 years of service, the McDonald’s restaurant at Yue Man Square in Kwun Tong is set to close in two weeks as redevelopment work at the town center gathers pace. At exactly 8 p.m. on Aug. 30, th ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-16
... 期老余較為憧憬的殼是鱷魚恤(00122)及有線寬頻(01097),前者大股東無心戀戰非賣不可,以每股資產淨值計 ...全文
■特朗普取勝之道,「巧妙地運用網絡配合與眾不同的語言藝術」應記一功(一月二十四日本欄),而此「藝術」的具體化, ...全文
A woman is being praised for her integrity after she stayed with a stack of bills lost by its owner until the police came. The incident took place about noon on Thursday when the woman, named Angela, ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-23