索羅斯基金(Soros Fund Management)上季大舉減持科技股和晶片股,但大幅增持谷歌母公司Alp ...全文
... st balked at the proposed terms of a possible paid news service from Apple in which the iPhone maker would keep as much as half of subscription revenues. An announcement for the news service is expec ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-14
美國第四大無線通訊集團Sprint公布,截至去年12月底止,第三季錄得淨虧損1.41億美元,而前一年度同期因受 ...全文
Streaming services giant Netflix has successfully boosted its subscriber numbers ahead of projections, yet its revenue growth clip has been trending down. Revenue growth dropped to 27.4 percent in the ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-29
Dystopian movie Bird Box helped Netflix Inc. draw a record 8.8 million new paid streaming customers in the fourth quarter, but the company fell slightly short of Wall Street’s revenue estimates and sh ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-18
昨天再有3位聯儲局官員接連釋出鴿派訊息,和應主席鮑威爾上周稱往後加息時可保持耐性的言論,局方發表的上月會議紀錄 ...全文
昨天再有3位聯儲局官員接連釋出鴿派訊息,和應主席鮑威爾上周稱往後加息時可保持耐性的言論,局方發表的上月會議紀錄 ...全文
荷里活競爭激烈,機會可一不可再,假如電影票房口碑齊失利,導演未必再有機會開戲。 相比之下,美國電訊巨頭AT&a ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年01月02日
儘管華為副董事長及首席財務官孟晚舟成功獲保釋,華為事件仍在發酵。中國政府前後逮捕了兩名加拿大籍公民,認為二人可 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus EJ Watch張倩燁2018年12月15日
12月13日,周四。相隔一兩年,最大公司排名變動可能有限,但長時期後,變動會非常明顯。投資引人入勝之處在於變化 ...全文
AT&T said on Thursday that it aims to cut its debt by as much as US$20 billion by the end of next year through a variety of measures, including a review of all of its non-core assets such as its s ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-30
... t in 2020 at the earliest. Telecommunications equipment vendors are also busy negotiating with mobile operators around the world to secure 5G-related contracts, which will be a big boost for their bus ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-22