... 大師Amartya Sen是熱門之一。他的經典著作Development as Freedom《經濟發展與自由 ...全文
... 得主Amartya Sen所言,政治、經濟、社會流動的自由,不僅是發展的目標,也能反過來推動經濟進一步發展。這 ...全文
As I have noted in my previous article, schools can better support students with special educational needs (SEN) when apprised by parents of the capabilities and needs of their children. Practical arr ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-21
A Hong Kong woman was killed and her husband injured in a car crash on Taiwan’s Sun Yat-sen Freeway. The tragedy took place at about 10 a.m. on Monday, when the couple were aboard a taxi heading for T ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-18
... al needs (SEN) coordinators into regular positions; and offering subsidies to students who meet the basic entrance criteria but cannot secure a seat in government-funded colleges to study under self-f ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-04
Many parents of students with special educational needs struggle to inform the school of their children's condition. "I am so worried about what would happen if the school knew that my son has SEN (sp ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-23
... 恩(Amartya Sen)在他的著作《正義的理念》(The Idea of Justice)裏說了一個故事。 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳成斌2017年05月27日
In my job I often work with parents of students with special educational needs (SEN). During our sharing sessions, many mothers confided that their misery comes not from their SEN kids but from their ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-26
過往與不少有特殊學習需要的學童(SEN)家長接觸,不少母親調節對子女管教上遇到的最大阻力不是來自病童,反而是源 ...全文
... ,強人洪森(Hun Sen)用種種手段,通過民主程序、威權方式,奪回政權至今,軍方換個方式控制大局,主流民意也 ...全文
那天Sen書新版入手,卷首鳴謝之頁彷彿赫赫學林who's who,此中欣然載有我論文導師的名字,我笑笑,他在天 ...全文
嚮往民主,不在天真地以為那是一切人間煙火的靈藥,Sen為我們解窘,笑道:「Democracy is not a ...全文
... 歸的Amartya Sen為那爛陀(另一漢譯漂亮作「施無厭」)大學校長,恰巧那時薄扶林大學也在為難敏敏教授,不 ...全文
... 特殊學習需要的學童(SEN)對這個制度的投入感,因此,家長所設立的獎勵應該是子女們認為吸引的。事實上,很多家長 ...全文
A century-old historic building famous for its links with Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who is considered to be the founding father of modern China, is facing the risk of demolition, according to a lawmaker First- ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-17