... 元市場。可想而知,若Windows Phone平台當年加把勁,成功抗衡甚至取代Android,微軟市值或已超越 ...全文
... plication windows in the department, RTHK reported. Protesters began gradually leaving at around 4 pm. During the whole incident, there was some disruption to public services in the government compoun ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-25
... 。 想當年,微軟推出Windows作業系統及Office軟件,成為數一數二的軟件巨頭,之後更捲入美國的反壟斷訟 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年06月25日
... s several windows of opportunity for Carrefour to sell the remaining 20 percent stake it holds in the Chinese subsidiary, signaling its aim to exit the market entirely, Reuters noted. Carrefour, which ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-24
... 貨量繼續萎縮,但由於Windows 10更新,推動商用PC出貨量增長,抵消了需求疲軟影響,整體市場出貨量為2. ...全文
... need the Windows operating system. The lack of Microsoft support means Huawei cannot launch a complete laptop product to the market. That could hurt both Microsoft and Huawei. Intel is also another ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-18
... osoft(微軟)的Windows作業系統及Intel(英特爾)的處理器,故將無限期推遲發布新款Mateboo ...全文
... ,令到華為禁用微軟的Windows作業系統和使用英特爾處理器。 該員工指出,華為尚未另行訂定手提電腦的發布日期 ...全文
... 價或免費贈送。微軟的Windows一直不是高價品,甚至對盜用版睜隻眼閉隻眼,也是個擴大佔有率的方法。 Andr ...全文
... round the Windows and Intel dominance. The problem is, Windows and Intel do not only create products; more importantly, they set the industry standards. The Chinese team talked with the chief engineer ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-04
... M──嚴格來說應該是Windows-Intel(簡稱 Wintel)架構取得了競爭上的優勢,迄今我們仍看到Wi ...全文
... pport for Windows 7 in early 2020. Separately, Dell’s VMware unit reported a 13 percent jump in revenue to US$2.28 billion. – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-31
... 定將於2020年終止Windows 7支援,以致較多客戶要求戴爾協助更新個人電腦軟件;基建解決方案業務收入下滑 ...全文
... 過Wintel架構(Windows+Intel)。因為Wintel就是當時所有電腦的頂層(雖然現在也是),人們 ...全文
... 多,強如微軟也未能以Windows Mobile系統打入手機市場,最終要黯然退出。生態圈是環環相扣的,而構建生 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點雷兆恒2019年05月25日
... 於是否會撤銷華為使用Windows作業系統的許可,微軟不予評論。 在Azure Stack產品網站上,主頁上還 ...全文
... 劃阻止華為手提電腦的Windows 10更新的疑慮。 據悉,華為MateBook X Pro是目前美國最好的手 ...全文
... y for its Windows personal computer operating system, it now relies on revenue growth from its cloud-based computing and software services, most of which are sold to other businesses. While Microsoft ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-03