... 「大Dee會」成員的中渝置地(01224)主席張松橋、許家印及華人置業(00127)前主席劉鑾雄均有出席,行動 ...全文
... 國際(00129)與中渝置地(01224)和資本策略(00497)組成財團;建灝地產則首度與豐泰地產合作提交標 ...全文
Almost three decades ago, four Hong Kong billionaires joined hands in accumulating significant stake in leading property developer Hong Kong Land and eventually walking away with handsome profit. A si ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-02
... ,並在2015年初由中渝置地(01224)主席張松橋或有關人士透過海外公司以51億元購入,成為本港史上最大宗的 ...全文
Ho Tung Gardens has been sold for a record HK$5.1 billion, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Thursday. The property was the site of a historic villa on the Peak built by the businessman Robert H ...More
EJ Insight2015-01-22
C C Land Holdings Ltd. (01224.HK) and China Railway Group Ltd. (00390.HK, 601390.CN) were among several developers reprimanded by authorities in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, for selling residential proper ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-30