Australia lags its regional rivals in service and accommodation and needs to ramp up its game to cash in on a Chinese tourism bonanza. The country was 17th among worldwide destinations for Chinese tou ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-28
... 情況,人龍一度由觀塘鱷魚恤中心地下大堂,經apm商場延伸至港鐵觀塘站,較周日更為墟冚。由於人潮眾多,至9時半即 ...全文
... 的藍塘傲,昨天在觀塘鱷魚恤中心揀樓,先由兩家公司員工內部認購,再進行大手購貨程序。麗新發展高級副總裁潘銳民表示 ...全文
The Wang Chau saga is a cross between Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Animal Farm. The goings-on of Leung Chun-ying’s government demand a deeply credulous population. When people, whether governm ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-27
... 單位。 項目位於觀塘鱷魚恤中心的示範單位周五假期吸引不少市民到場參觀,麗新高級副總裁潘銳民表示,參觀者多為年輕 ...全文
The United States Treasury has an unhealthy propensity to poke around in what it considers to be the dirty washing of everyone else in the world. Now Mr. Woo is busy in Hong Kong. We have reached the ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-14
... 華富(00952)同鱷魚恤(00122),最新又傳永義實業(00616)股權可能被狙擊,大家都係要小心睇路啦! ...全文
... 18.8%。 此外,鱷魚恤(00122)接獲主席林建名告知賣盤告吹,投資者亦紛紛散貨,股價急挫21.6%。另第 ...全文
... %,收報2.43元。鱷魚恤(00122)大股東賣盤商談告吹,收報0.8元,急挫21.6%。 時間由你(0132 ...全文
... 有幸有不幸。近期就有鱷魚恤(00122)控股股東林建名擬出售50.38%股權,最終能否成事有待觀察;亦有民銀國 ...全文
Holden Chow Ho-ding has been accused of crying to win sympathy from the audience during a televised debate for the candidates in Sunday's Legislative Council by-election in New Territories East, Metro ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-26
The Hong Kong and mainland equity markets have seen little excitement before the Lunar New Year holidays. Investors should adopt a strategy that is both defensive and offensive to outperform the bench ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-02
Ma On Shan Country Park, established in 1979, offers some of the most dramatic scenery in Hong Kong and also houses many other natural attractions. Luk Chau Shan (鹿巢山), which is located next to Ma On ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-07
Police are on the lookout for a thief who made away with a luxury handbag worth nearly HK$400,000 from a Tsim Sha Tsui store two days ago. According to Apple Daily, a man walked into an outlet of Bran ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-02