
共 3000 個結果
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The mental health crisis must be tackled with pragmatism

The events that have unfolded over the past few days, no doubt have weighed on the minds of many of us. Many of us, qua Hong Kongers. Qua citizens who love this city dearly. And que folks who may pers ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

How fares Hong Kong 3 years after China’s crackdown?

Three years after China imposed a wide-ranging national security law on Hong Kong, the city looks like it has returned to normality, with its crammed malls and restaurants. The riots of 2019 are unlik ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

睿峰再沽一伙 呎價28186元創新高

由鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰今日(2日)再錄1宗成交,為西翼33樓F單位,實用面積435方呎 ...全文


China opens new railway to Europe – without Russia

... t coastal city in Slovenia, after a journey of 13,000 k ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月02日

China opens new railway to Europe, without Russia

In March, a train from Jiaozhou in Shandong province carrying new electric vehicles from China reached Koper, the largest coastal city in Slovenia, after a journey of 13,000 kilometres. It was the fir ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-01


... 市(Calapan City)自家商店外,遭兩名騎電單車的槍手殺害,是總統小馬可斯去年6月上任以來第三名遇害的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年06月01日

Green buildings cool down the city

...  down the city, it is worth learning. For example, Toronto, Canada has implemented the world's largest lake-source cooling system and promoted the production of renewable energy. The municipal governm ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-31

Heat in May but can’t get away

... e capital city up north with lower temperature. To avoid the heat, I spent a lot of time hopping bookstores and tried to stay indoors as much as possible during the daytime. But I cannot complain beca ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-31


... 市(Gateway City),擁有物業者比率較低,反映高樓價及人口流動性更強;若考慮到公共房屋選項,新加坡政 ...全文


How to quench the American West’s thirst

... water scarcity. On May 22, seven western US states reached a historic deal to reduce water extraction from the drought-stricken Colorado River. Arizona, California, and Nevada have committed to a 14% ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-30

發展城市運動 塑造旅遊品牌及助力基層醫療

... 「Endeavor City城市運動中心」。 這個發展項目將依托副中心文化旅遊區的區位與政策優勢,運用該公司國 ...全文


Paradise City 踢好曼城故事

英超聯班霸曼城周日在主場伊蒂哈德球場舉行登基「大典」,沒有華麗紅地氈,沒有宮女持燈籠,王朝霸氣一樣表露無遺!豪 ...全文


China education a mismatch for job market

... ies, at a city in eastern Zhejiang province. The video sparked widespread scepticism from people on social media. The Beijing Youth Daily went to interview the couple a few days later – they admitted ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-22

吸引用家收租客 10年升值逾倍

... 公里,反觀溫哥華市(City of Vancouver)土地面積有115平方公里,列治文市則有129平方公里, ...全文


Does China want foreign investment?

...  New York City and Shanghai, it provided consultations, survey solution, group conference calls and customised research services to more than 2,000 clients. It has 600 researchers and 450,000 industry ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-18

Does China want foreign investment?

...  New York City and Shanghai, it provided consultations, ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年05月18日

獲國際權威雜誌評為宜居天堂 馬來西亞柔佛州森林城市慶7周年成曯目亮點

... NSK trade city等。 提供多元娛樂、高級酒店、免稅購物,打造柔佛新山旅遊地標 森林城市坐擁有兩大十 ...全文


扮飛機失事跳傘 拍逃生片呃like

... 機場(Lompoc City)起飛,原定前往馬默斯湖(Mammoth Lakes)。他駕駛途中聲稱引擎死火,飛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年05月13日


新濠博亞娛樂宣布,位於地中海塞浦路斯的City of Dreams Mediterranean將於今年7月10 ...全文


大倫敦住宅租金冠全國 飆11%
Lavender區享鐵路優勢 買樓收租之選

... 約6分鐘便達西敏市(City of Westminster)Victoria火車站,該站可連接地鐵Distri ...全文


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