
共 455 個結果
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Why we may enter a period of halting rates

... es to the REIT markets. However, several recent developments suggest that the pace at which interest rates rise may not be as quick as the market had originally expected. In fact, we may enter a perio ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-02

REITs: What determines their performance?

When REITs were first introduced to the Asia-Pacific markets, they were described as fixed-income like products because of their dividend distribution rules. Because the law usually requires REITs to ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-27

Greystar傳購Education REIT 涉資245億

《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,美國地產投資企業Greystar快將完成收購從事地產投資信託(REIT)的Edu ...全文


Four major types of real estate investments

... s such as REITs and real estate stocks, while private equity involves direct ownership of real estate assets. On the debt side, public debt includes various notes and bonds issued by real estate compa ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-13

REITs vary a lot in terms of underlying assets

Amid market uncertainties, some investors tend to be more interested in investment tools that offer a combination of high yield and low risk. In this regard, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-29

Hudson's Bay合營售加國物業 涉資41億

... 託基金RioCan REIT,同意出售雙方合營持有的溫哥華市中心零售物業,涉及金額為6.75億加元(41.24 ...全文



... 股、房地產信託基金(REIT)彷彿成為債券替代品。由於需求殷切,早一步入市的投資者非但可在相對吸引的水平鎖定息 ...全文



... roperties REIT在去年6月收購18間精選服務式酒店,作價4.07億美元。 ...全文


Why REITs outperform bonds during an interest rate upcycle

Since 2015, Admiral Investment has reported on the long-term performance of Asia-Pacific and Asian REITs against other asset classes that are commonly considered by institutional and individual invest ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-12


... 辭),這對利率敏感的REITs一族構成利好因素。 再說,利率升跌對高息股的相關性有被高估之嫌。首先,利率上升令 ...全文


Why REIT can still perform well during interest rate upcycles?

... ironment, REITs and other commercial real estate options can outperform fixed income asset classes, because income of a commercial property is tied to its rents, which can go up during an upcycle. Wit ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-09

海航傳續售產填氹 賣澳洲商廈套12億

... 資一房地產投資信託(REIT)項目的計劃。 海航投資棄星REIT項目 知情人士表示,該商業大廈位於澳洲悉尼Yo ...全文



中國海航投資(000616.SZ)宣布,已終止在新加坡投資一房地產投資信託(REIT)項目的計劃。 海航投資在 ...全文


股票勝物業舉世皆然 情況特殊香港或例外

... 「不動產投資信託」(REIT)興起後,散戶便可分享物業市場(其實只是租務市場)的進益。 三、 根據可靠的統計數 ...全文



... 疑證監放寬房託基金(REIT)投資範圍,到底對特區整體有何效用,還是獨對領展有利? 當然,如此技術性的課題,受 ...全文


Ip accuses Link REIT of making threats against party members

... ter. Link REIT, the largest of its kind in the Asia-Pacific by market capitalization, owns a number of shopping malls, car parks and housing estate parking lots in Hong Kong. Ip said she has asked the ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-07


... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)有誤解,故邀約袁飯敍解釋內容,「絕對冇講過」恐嚇言論,只表示「想佢(葉劉)知清楚 ...全文


Rent increases seen in 17 malls after Link REIT sale: economist

... fter Link REIT announced on Tuesday that it had agreed to sell 17 shopping malls to a group led by Hong Kong-based private equity real-estate firm Gaw Capital Partners for HK$23 billion (US$2.94 billi ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-30


... 會亦較高。然則,本地REIT投資者應不應該驚定先? 不同REIT的資產組合自然有一定差別,但主打基本消費、日常 ...全文


Time to put Link REIT on a tight leash

... anti-Link REIT campaign. The movement was in response to the recent decision by the company to carve out 17 of its shopping malls and put them up for sale. The Link REIT has already sold 28 of its sho ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-20

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