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China must realize it will gain by doing right by HK

... i-Beijing sentiment in Hong Kong is likely to grow." Co ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2017年02月15日

China must realize it will gain by doing right by HK

... i-Beijing sentiment in Hong Kong is likely to grow." Concern about Hong Kong is also voiced by a third group, PEN America, an organization of writers, editors and publishers that supports free express ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-13


... 一眾有特殊學習需要(SEN)的學童,有些地方需要注意。 首先,家長們切記不能要求SEN學童樣樣也要達標。其實, ...全文


助幼未竟全功 下屆還需努力

... 政報告》宣布多項支援SEN幼兒的措施,這些措施無論如何肯定是德政,惟仍見漏網之處。「到校計劃」能夠即時為確診S ...全文



... 森(Amartya Sen)曾是其中一名院士。他還是柏菲和妻子珍納李察絲(Janet Radclliffe R ...全文


全港首屆「柏靈頓寶寶熊™ 新年愛心慈善跑」

... 僅為有特殊教育需要(SEN)學生籌款,更讓參加者明白他們的需要,共建融和社會,祝願全港市民明年會更好。 活動當 ...全文



... 悲慘的故事。「有一個SEN(特殊教育需要)學生,媽媽有病不能照顧他,剛來到就嚷着要回家,打爛窗戶,扔東西,他辛 ...全文


Philanthropists eye China projects under new charity law

...  Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation. The project started in one school and has spread to 24, he said. In November 2015, Chen gave a speech at a China Foundation Rankings event in Beijing. He said he was w ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-24

How we can make our museums more vibrant

... e Sun Yat Sen Museum – are located in unique historic surroundings. However, we do not have anything like the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum in London, or New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. W ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-16

加息增債 是好是壞

Amartya Sen是1998年的諾貝爾經濟學得獎者,其對貧困和飢餓的研究十分有名。英國廣播公司對其獲諾獎的 ...全文



... 球股票主管Anik Sen【圖】認為,市場仍然理性,並指現時對環球股票市場的感覺是7年來最樂觀,因為環球市場在 ...全文


How China is invoking Sun Yat-sen to denounce 'splittism'

This month marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who is revered throughout the Chinese-speaking world as the father of modern China. Stamps in his honor were issued in mainland ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-21

How CY Leung maneuvered his return to the chief executive race

... . Sun Yat-sen last week. In his speech, President Xi Jinping for the first time reacted, even if indirectly, to the rise of Hong Kong independence, saying the nation will never allow any person, any g ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-15

A taste of Thailand in a cozy corner of Wan Chai

Some days ago, I had lunch with my friend at a Thai restaurant, where the head chef is a Westerner and most of the waiting staff are Thais. Situated on Stone Nullah Lane in Wan Chai, Samsen (泰麵) is al ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11


... 聽一下,原來這種粉叫sen-lek,日日從泰國新鮮運來。 湯水深棕色,顏色有點渾濁,喝一啖,嘩,味道濃郁而味道 ...全文



北半球的夏季即將過去,投資者開始關注2017年的走勢。鑑於市場由年初至今普遍瀰漫避險情緒,因此這個現象值得留意 ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Anik Sen2016年09月30日

Govt House urged to give way to connected parks

... e Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park. Although reclamation in Victoria Harbour should be avoided, the government should remain flexible when implementing the Protection of Harbor Ordinance if the use of some s ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-26


... 森(Amartya Sen)在其名作《正義的理念》中指出,真正的社會公平不是要求平等對待所有人,而是要給予窮人 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2016年08月08日

Marine police save suicidal maid in Western District

Marine police rescued an overstaying Indonesian domestic helper who jumped into the waters off Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park in the Western District in the early hours of Tuesday, news website hk01.com re ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21


... on Needs, SEN)的兒童向來是社會上的小眾,一直得不到適切的學習支援。 自1997年至今,香港推行融 ...全文


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