The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors held a forum in October, discussing why the development of REITs in Hong Kong seemingly lags behind the development in other Asian countries. Currently, th ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-06
The Link REIT is seeking redress for damage to its reputation arising from a report that it has been renting out car parking spaces to non-residents in the housing estates it manages. The company said ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-06
The Lands Department is investigating allegations that the Link REIT has been renting out parking spaces in subsidised housing estates to non-residents in breach of regulations, Apple Daily reports. T ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-06
... t trusts (REITs) and infrastructure trusts. The growth of Hong Kong's bond market is relatively slow with trading volume consistently lagging behind the issuance volume. This indicates that past issua ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-06
... 房地產投資訊託基金(REIT)和地產股、量身訂製的房地產委託或俱樂部結構。 各國間差異顯著 過去10年,歐洲在 ...全文
今日信報理財投資行業微觀Zoltan Szelyes2017年09月22日
... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)的價值一般會下滑。而且,一旦經濟回軟,租客的收入亦將受打擊。合併完成後,黑石將擁 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月14日
... ommercial REIT(HNA)擬在新加坡上市之際,其新加坡合夥人AEP Investment Mana ...全文
... 澳洲房地產信託基金(REITs)從年初至今已經跌了13%,部分原因是擔心亞馬遜來襲。 由於REITs被拋售,導 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月07日
... 師向房地產投資信託(REIT)及銀行業者提問他們在超市店面的風險,而冷凍設備製造商Dover及消費產品包裝供應 ...全文
... ver, Link REIT sold the commercial center to another company last year, nearly putting an end to Kuge’s bakery business. Luckily, his bakery managed to survive thanks to a local baker who has the same ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-25
... 商討融資計劃。 旗下REIT星上市或遇阻 彭博則引述知情人士報道,有不到五名可能會向海航爭取生意的美銀投行員工 ...全文
... and Link REIT (00823.HK). They said they don't want to risk losing the hard-earned wealth, as they are no longer in a position to start all over if the worst happens. Now, why is property generally ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-12
... 略的基金。 ETF及REIT近年急速發展 後者較為廣義,因為其調查對象包括獲證監會發牌從事資產管理和基金顧問業 ...全文
... a Pacific REIT Index, the dividend yield of all Asia Pacific REITs was 4.7 percent in 2007, in line with the dividend yield of 4.6 to 4.7 percent between 2013 and 2016. In 2007, however, the 10-year U ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-15