... OASIS KAI TAK提供0.5%至1%折扣優惠,兩個樓盤雙重優惠最高可減樓價2%。 恒地(00012)旗 ...全文
... OASIS KAI TAK,共6個樓盤涉及95伙,可享1%優惠;其中,MONTEREY及OASIS KAI T ...全文
... OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS)推出「喜迎金豬優惠」,於正月至3月底購入指定的95個單位,可享1% ...全文
... OASIS KAI TAK,共6個樓盤涉及95伙,可享1%優惠。當中MONTEREY及OASIS KAI TA ...全文
... trick Nip Tak-kuen said there is absolutely no need for members of the public to worry about "inadvertently contravening the law" if they have no intention to insult the national anthem and as such, t ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-24
... t it will take an average household 20.9 years to be able to afford an apartment in Hong Kong if there were no other expenses, up from 19.4 years in the previous year and the highest level ever record ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-22
... OASIS KAI TAK錄得逾40億元,連同屯門NAPA、山頂聶歌信山道8號MOUNT NICHOLSON等 ...全文
... OASIS KAI TAK和將軍澳南MONTEREY等進行家訪。 旗下每個樓盤專設收樓隊伍 會德豐地產去年共有 ...全文
... h Dr Chui Tak-yi confirmed on Friday that the dead pig found on Tung Wan beach was not infected, and that there is no pig farm within a three-kilometer radius, RTHK reported. China's state media repor ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-18
... ding that takes us into territory that is alien to many Hong Kong people. What I have read about the proposed law so far is that it demands a lot from Hong Kong people but contains very little clarity ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-17
... ding that takes us into territory that is alien to many ...全文
今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年01月17日
After more than one year, the government finally unveiled details of the national anthem bill on Wednesday, with Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip Tak-kuen taking the initi ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
... trick Nip Tak-kuen promised that the Hong Kong version of the national anthem law, which took effect in the mainland on Oct. 1, 2017, will not have retroactive provision. The main spirit of the bill i ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
Cantopop superstar Andy Lau Tak-wah will have to cancel all his remaining concerts in Hong Kong in the first leg of his latest world tour as the artiste had contracted the flu, according to an announc ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-31
... 入美思糖果及Lee Tak Kong Alfred作基石投資者,各認購500萬股股份,禁售期為6個月。 股份將 ...全文
... )專門成立的Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd(KTSPL)中標,今日有報章報道指,行政長官林鄭月 ...全文
政府宣布經過公開招標程序後,批出啟德體育園的設計、興建及營運合約予Kai Tak Sports Park Lt ...全文