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... 的「願景2030」(Vision 2030)經濟轉型計劃,增強該國在區內擔當的商貿角色。 杜拜酋長阿勒馬克圖姆 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年01月05日

VISION DEAL-Z(07827) 月報表

VISION DEAL-Z(07827) 截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止月份之股份發行人的證券變動月報表(12 ...全文


2022 BIG DATA疫轉驚世

... 實的銷售貸款予LC Vision Capital(新加坡基金、由華瑞資本管理),作價207.66億元。     ...全文


Virtual asset policy: The “eastern wind” for Hong Kong fintech

... in the provision of bonds and related services. The findings of this pilot could determine new ways to simplify and lower the cost of bond issuance and create even more investor opportunities and mark ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-21

樓市持續插水 劈價蝕讓頻現

... 實的銷售貸款予LC Vision Capital(新加坡基金、由華瑞資本管理),作價207.66億元,每方呎6 ...全文


The pitfalls cultural policy entrepreneurs must navigate

... their own vision with the demands of others. Only through such bricolage and adaptation can culture survive in an age where money is increasingly calling the shots. This is particularly given that the ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-16


... 的「願景2030」(Vision 2030)經濟轉型計劃。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月09日

Eco-economic development

... ’s shared vision of living in harmony with nature. Biodiversity is an important goal for World Bank Group programs. But to reverse its loss, economic decisions must take nature into account. That is w ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08

Crypto’s well-worn path to crisis

... osphere’s vision of an unregulated, decentralized financial system, but that doesn’t mean the technology is to blame for the chaos. Other forms of digital finance and blockchain technology – like smar ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06


生物科技初創極目生物(Arctic Vision)現時正研發及引入多項眼科產品,其中在內地三期臨床試驗、產品代 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年12月05日

導入乾眼治療儀 刺激神經分泌淚液

... 生物(Arctic Vision), 專注全眼科疾病創新療法的臨床開發,成立至今融資超過10億元。該企上月在港 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年12月05日

Be swift and precise to attract businesses and investments

The Northern Metropolis vision was promulgated in the 2021 Policy Address, and the project entails huge investments. In addition to the various infrastructure investments revealed by the Government la ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-02

VISION DEAL-Z(07827) 月報表

VISION DEAL-Z(07827) 截至二零二二年十一月三十日止月份之股份發行人的證券變動月報表(118 ...全文


商湯高層穩信心 禁售再延期兩年

... 沙地「2030願景(Vision 2030)」實現數字化轉型、培育突破性技術與人才的目標。   ...全文


Faking it, making it, losing it

... fantastic vision of how France, a country exhausted by Louis XIV’s wars, could become rich through a series of miracles, transformations, and unlimited consumption. Similarly, in selling FTX and crypt ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-29

Learning to punch above one’s weight

... a radical vision there could be no use or value in the talk of doing. Dreaming comes first – it forces you to narrow down your aspirations, define the scope of project, tease out the feasibility const ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-24

長實今歲售逾400單位 吸金260億

... AD所有餘貨予LC Vision Capital(新加坡基金、由華瑞資本管理),連同其他樓盤及餘貨,集團今年暫 ...全文



筆者近日參加「Vietnam-HK New Vision New Opportunities-Smart Ci ...全文



... 是旗下「願景基金」(Vision Fund)虧蝕纍纍引發內部地震,導火線或許確實如此,但圈內早有傳聞,軟銀合夥 ...全文



... 技基金──願景基金(Vision Fund)的投資都是由軟銀向他提供的。 資料顯示,孫正義持有「願景基金2」( ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月19日

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