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... in vs the West的紀錄片,影片分為三集,講述俄羅斯於2014年入侵克里米亞至近年全面入侵烏克蘭的經 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年01月31日

The Makers區內罕有新貴

倫敦Hoxton West區住宅新供應不多,現時市場上的一手貨為已入伙2年的The Makers,據樓盤網頁顯 ...全文


倫敦Hoxton West靜中帶旺吸白領租客
毗鄰金融城酒吧街 上班娛樂信步至

... 自治市Hoxton West區,便可一次過滿足上述要求,到市中心上班及消閒吃喝都在步程範圍內,魚與熊掌兩者兼得 ...全文



... 代表韋斯特(Tom West)在Twitter上批評這是毫無意義的暴力行為。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年01月13日

The war in Ukraine: 'Ripe' for peace or not?

... ed by the West. The Russian tactic of missile and drone strikes targeting utility infrastructure in Ukraine have brought life-threatening cut-offs of electricity, water and heating amongst Ukrainian c ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-09

Geopolitics affects everyone

... hate the “West” and all that the “West” stand for? Why are others instructed and raised to be colonial apologists for the British Empire? Our agency is inevitably constricted and conditioned by those ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-05

The next stage of the Hot Cold War

... access to Western investment, technology, or consumer goods. Russia’s empires have collapsed before, in 1917-18 and again when the Soviet Union imploded in 1989-91. In both cases, the collapse took a ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-05

Five 'wars' that could lead to higher inflation

... tween the West and aligned (if not allied) revisionist powers such as China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan. Cold and hot wars are on the rise. Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine could still ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-03


... 及周四罷工,鐵路公司West Midlands Trains稱周三早上暫停火車服務。 另外,Network R ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年12月29日


中石化冠德(00934)公布,集團2012年收購PT. West Point Terminal的95%權益,以 ...全文


Tell good HK stories. Heal the anguish. Let’s do both in 2023

... e speech. Western media have questioned Hong Kong’s judicial independence after Lee asked Beijing to rule if a media tycoon facing collusion charges could hire a British lawyer even though the city’s ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-22

Tell good HK stories. Heal the anguish.
Let's do both in the New Year

... e speech. Western media have questioned Hong Kong's jud ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMichael Chugani2022年12月22日

英名嘴專欄罵梅根 惹公憤《太陽報》刪文

... 犯韋斯特(Rose West)比較,並希望梅根有一日赤裸身體在英國遊街示眾,沿途群眾向她高呼「可恥」及擲糞便。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月21日

The pitfalls cultural policy entrepreneurs must navigate

... s’ in the West has surged to heights unseen since the early days of the Cold War. For that matter, then, the primary pitfall cultural policy entrepreneurs – whether it be artists, scholars, writers, o ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-16

特朗普與反猶者共餐 彭斯譴責

美國前總統特朗普上周邀請因反猶太言論而引起極大爭議的饒舌歌手Ye(前稱Kanye West)及著名白人主義者富 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月30日

The case for mandating climate-risk disclosure

... cision in West Virginia v. EPA as a reason to scrap or water down the proposal. But the economic, legal, and political arguments against moving forward with this rulemaking are deeply misguided. Clima ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-28


... 饒舌歌手Kanye West,在二〇〇八年第五十屆美國格林美頒獎典禮上表演時穿過,以一百八十萬元,由RARES ...全文


印尼地震162人死亡 救援人員搜尋幸存者

印尼西爪哇省(West Java)周一發生5.6級淺層地震,造成160多人死亡,救援人員在餘震中搜尋被困在廢墟 ...全文



印尼西爪哇省(West Java)周一發生5.6級淺層地震,增至162人死亡,700人受傷,當局估計死亡人數可 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月22日

悉尼小學實驗課 12師生意外灼傷

... 嚴重。 Manly West小學一群10至11歲的5年級學生在老師指導下,周一下午1時20分在北部海灘進行戶外 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月22日

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