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人們普遍認為,COVID-19的大流行嚴重影響了來自弱勢背景的兒童的心理健康。然而,社會決定因素(例如種族或社 ...全文

今日信報時事評論肖雲鈺 葉兆輝2022年05月10日

Addressing Europe’s corporate technology gap

... ries. The COVID-19 pandemic triggered greater fiscal coordination through the Next Generation EU recovery fund. Now the war in Ukraine is upending Europe’s energy strategy and sparking a new conversat ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-06

Private-debt risks are hiding in plain sight

... ed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the war is pushing even more countries toward similar crises. The pandemic recovery has always been uneven. According to analysis based on the International Monetary ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-06


在COVID-19大流行進入第三個年頭後,專家們仍在埋頭解開冠狀病毒對身體幾乎每個部位的神秘影響:從心臟、肺、 ...全文


China’s support for Putin provokes hatred in Eastern Europe

... le in the Covid-19 pandemic and the return of the Cold War mentality in East-West relations had triggered substantial changes in the China policies of many Central and Eastern European countries. “Mos ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-05

China's stance toward Putin provokes hatred in Eastern Europe

... le in the Covid-19 pandemic and the return of the Cold ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年05月05日

Inflation and opportunities in idiosyncratic stocks

Inflation has been peaking globally and is likely to decline into 2023, as many countries are coming to terms with the idea of living with COVID-19. However, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has added furt ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-04

Dealing with tsunami of mental health problems

... ar of the COVID-19 epidemic, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25%, and the most affected groups were young people and women.The above three studies have different conclusio ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-03

What can health sector learn from 2021’s cyber threat landscape?

...  crime As COVID-19 cases spiked around the world, so did attacks on our hardworking healthcare sector. In October 2021, the healthcare system that serves Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada was hit by ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-03

The growing threat of global recession

... draconian COVID-19 lockdowns, which have already brought Shanghai to a screeching halt and now threaten Beijing. In fact, the Chinese economy may already be in recession. And with US consumer prices c ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-03


... ;2019年底至今的COVID-19的染疫數字超過5億,而死亡人數已逾620萬。 4月份開始,歐美大多數國家都 ...全文



... 這樣過身的。 這一次COVID-19,香港死了九千多人,老人是重災區。這是一場疫症,更是一場人禍!香港的官員真 ...全文



... 們發現了以下: 一、COVID-19將會過去:「菌」字部首艸,寫作艹,像兩個十,即20,剛好大於19,暗示CO ...全文

今日信報副刊文化玄來如此Master Lai 黎漢偉2022年04月30日


... 鼻竇炎。這些人也是在COVID-19影響下最需要小心保護自己的一群人。 天同星 天同是福星,因此入疾厄宮表示命 ...全文


Climate leadership needs more women

... es to the COVID-19 pandemic were systematically better in countries with women leaders. Similarly, research has found that “female representation leads countries to adopt more stringent climate-change ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-29

The gathering stagflationary storm

... rise. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many sectors to lock down, disrupted global supply chains, and produced an apparently persistent reduction in labor supply, especially in the United States. Then cam ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-29

Keeping afloat in Hong Kong’s tech ‘talent tsunami’

... en before COVID-19 hit. While Gen X workers typically look for stability in employment, Gens Z and Y aren’t afraid of change, averaging just 18 months within a company in hot pursuit of rapid career g ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-27

Applying the COVID blueprint to cholera

Since COVID-19 engulfed the world two years ago, “unprecedented” has become something of a buzzword. But while the coronavirus has posed unique challenges at a time of deep global interconnectedness, ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-27


... 但不代表英國已經打敗COVID-19。執筆時,在過去7天,英國平均每天確診數字仍然接近2.5萬宗。地鐵、火車和 ...全文


時勢造就 情騙橫流

... ds During COVID-19", Journal of Contemporary Criminal J ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下謝國生 章穎芝2022年04月27日

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