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數學強不如數口精 計死數不如算死草

... 維。話說,聯邦快遞(FedEx)多年前曾因送貨經常誤點而叫苦連天,問題出在工人從飛機把貨物搬往貨車過程太慢,大 ...全文



... 黑暗。公司早前更獲「FedEx中小企拓展業務大賽」亞軍。 採訪、撰文︰許鎮邦     ...全文



... 美國快遞公司UPS及Fedex,很大機會成為亞馬遜的下一個收購目標,要長期留意。 筆者客戶持有亞馬遜、阿里巴巴 ...全文



... 貨機機隊挑戰UPS和FedEx,正是希望先搞好物流這個「後欄」,才有條件滿足不斷增長的網購訂單,否則若然物流服 ...全文



... 快遞業巨頭聯邦速遞(FedEx)、英國公共衞生系統、中國多所大學,甚或俄羅斯內政部等等。 比特幣付贖金 其實「 ...全文


More disruptions feared from global cyber-attack

... ics giant FedEx Corp., and other company and hospital computer systems in countries from Eastern Europe to the US and Asia, Bloomberg reports. The hackers used the tool to encrypt files within affecte ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-15

What's the secret behind SF Holding's share surge?

... s UPS and FedEx have P/E ratios of 27 and 28 respectively. Domestic rival YTO Express Group (600233.CN), the nation’s second largest courier service company with a 15 percent market share, also trades ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06


... 貨運三巨頭的UPS和FedEx,市盈率分別為27倍和28倍,另一家DHL則未上市。即使在A股市場,作為順豐「死 ...全文


亞馬遜斥116億 建大型空運中心

... 流業,成為聯邦快遞(FedEx)等速遞公司的直接競爭對手。 亞馬遜將租用北肯塔基國際機場約360公頃土地50年 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年02月02日

無人機升空 顛覆快遞業

... 至1美元,比UPS或FedEx等快捷運輸服務低逾八城,事實上,無人機貨運業已被各大小企業虎視眈眈,科網電商企業 ...全文


商合政分 C級生意變FedEx

...  Smith的公司是FedEx Express,全球按收入排名第三的速遞公司。FedEx飛機運貨量排名冠軍,船 ...全文



... 群雄,為月底的重頭戲FedEx Cup季後賽打下一劑強心針。 麥克萊這一、兩個月大戰連連,10月初的還將代表歐 ...全文



... 對安全。早前第一屆「Fedex Express青年成就之國際貿易挑戰賽」中,香港區初賽以開拓伊朗家居健身市場為 ...全文


How businesses and investors can ride the cloud computing boom

... s UPS and FedEx have also used cloud computing to support their tracking and logistics capabilities. Q: How can SMEs harness the power of cloud? A: Cloud provides businesses with unparalleled flexibil ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-29

Intense competition pushes SF Express toward IPO

... ants DHL, FedEx and UPS; they have hundreds of their own aircraft. There is also the Express Mail Service (EMS), owned by China Post, which has 43 aircraft. Private rivals include Shentong Express, YT ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-15

削運輸成本 減依賴速遞

... 靠UPS和聯邦快遞(FedEx)等速遞公司送貨,去年運輸成本達115億美元。亞馬遜加強自家運輸服務,除了希望降 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月11日

Smuggled Picasso heading home to France after 14-year odyssey

... ting in a FedEx Corp. package shipped from a “Robert” in Belgium on Dec. 17, disguised as an “art craft” Christmas gift worth 30 euros (US$37 at the time), according to the Justice Department. It was ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Warning: Liaison Office phone scams sweeping Hong Kong

... l through FedEx in your name on July 28. Is that correct? Reporter (R): Yes. S: Send from where to where? R: From Shenzhen to Hong Kong. S: Oh ... you probably meant from Hong Kong. Let me say it clea ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-31

Top 10 challenges for start-ups

... , such as FedEx or the selfie stick. (2) Start-ups struggle to make ends meet due to their limited size. Some products fail to reach a substantial market size due to limited access to distribution cha ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-22

China to open domestic courier market to foreigners

... , UPS and FedEx secured operation licenses for courier services in Beijing. Foreign firms are taking advantage of their mature business model, information technology and management to drive growth in ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-25

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