... m lodging REIT management teams in the US, such as Mike Barnello, CEO at LaSalle Hotel Properties, suggests that shadow supply from the sharing economy is reducing pricing power by acting as a release ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-06
... logistics REIT to sustain its expanding business. Thus, web-retailing ended up hurting less capable physical retailers but providing additional demand for logistics space. Investors ignoring web-retai ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-30
... 股票及房產信託基金(REIT)遭拋售。 我們觀察到最近的資金轉移,並非如過往經濟周期般,資金由一類資產流向另一 ...全文
... 股票及房產信託基金(REIT)遭拋售。 我們觀察到最近的資金轉移,並非如過往經濟周期般,資金由一類資產流向另一 ...全文
今日信報理財投資理財方略Nick Peters2016年12月28日
... 地產投資信託基金」(REIT),這些商場的投資回報率其實不難估算;但事實是自領展上市以來,不少商場尤其是街市均 ...全文
... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT),則很可能在此次防禦型股票拋售中受到波及。儘管如此,在孳息僅緩步走高的環境下,部 ...全文
... a Pacific REITs represent about 25 percent of global REITs in terms of market cap, with the rest being dominated by North American and European REITs. Given this, a global REIT program is likely to be ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-21
... the Link REIT on the actual quality of life of the average family. As a result, it fails to give us a full picture of the poverty issue in our society. The government seems to be focused almost entir ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-26
... d by Link REIT and Nan Fung, which will be completed in 2019. These will all be Grade A offices. One benefit of Ngau Tau Kok is that these new developments are located in a compact rectangular area, m ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-24
... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)、短期中國國企債券,以及部分中國地方政府融資平台債券(城投債)等防禦型板塊。對於 ...全文
... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT)、短期中國國企債券,以及部分中國地方政府融資平台債券(城投債)等防禦型板塊。對於 ...全文
... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT),以至另類資產投資,務求有效規避風險,於重重投資浪潮中獨善其身。 投資選擇與中秋 ...全文
Since its birth 16 years ago, Asia-Pacific real estate investment trusts (REITs) have consistently generated an annual dividend of 4.5 to 7 percent. The sector’s total return is about 12 percent a yea ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-12
... c of Link REIT, which is one of Hong Kong's biggest landlords, and has been a champion of street markets. Early this year, Lau was fined HK$1,800 for selling fried squid on Kweilin Street in Sham Shui ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-06
... the Link REIT lent vibrancy to the entire election campaign. Unfortunately, the subject turned out to be just a “one-hit wonder”, and failed to change the norms of our election culture. In subsequent ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-16