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... 學習編程;讓學生接觸STEAM教育的奧海城OC STEM Lab;透過與香港大學及香港科技大學的合作,支持追逐 ...全文


美圖入股樂遊附屬 擬配股作收購代價

... 際戰甲)入選遊戲平台Steam的2018年百大暢銷遊戲之一。 簽署備忘錄後,美圖及樂遊將進入獨家洽商期,雙方會 ...全文



... 個人電腦遊戲電子市場Steam在2018年的百大暢銷遊戲之一。 ...全文


What a Bollywood movie tells us about the economy

Some are worried that the global economic growth may run out of steam if the world’s largest growth engine, China, shifts to a lower gear.  A recent Bollywood movie, Pad Man, may offer some insight as ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-18

HTC brings virtual reality theme park to Hong Kong

... promoting STEAM education, which is an approach to learning that uses science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics to develop the student's critical thinking ability. VR is a key tool in ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-17

China said to plan more measures to boost domestic consumption

... o build a steam cracker in China. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-10

Brexit does not matter

... lways and steam ships revolutionized transportation. Even when the center of innovation shifted across the Atlantic, British capital and emigration supported industrialization around the world. Not al ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-02

Year-end economic lyric

... is losing steam and increasingly shows late cycle dynamics. Core inflation increases with tighter labor markets. While China’s growth slows further on the back of a more cautious credit injection into ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

香港道教聯合會純陽小學 唯一「棒球小學」 延伸全才教育

... ,以及貼合未來趨勢的STEAM教育,皆致力培養學生成為全人人才。 站在香港道教聯合會純陽小學前方的十字路口,映 ...全文


海洋公園上年度虧損2.36億 連蝕三年

... 體投射燈光滙演、多個STEAM教育和保育教育項目、以科技為主的教育中心,及在本地和海外舉行的生態旅遊項目。 至 ...全文



... —的基本誘因(也有提STEAM的,加上藝術Art)。 另一種想法,就是因為知識與技能的無限發展而無法預知的前景 ...全文


救恩學校(小學部) 海外交流拓視野 山藝課程健身心

... 堂,而且配合四年級的STEAM課程,以食品科學為主題,很有趣的。」林校長指,學校不少課程主題均會參考芬蘭、歐美 ...全文


Pay-as-you-go solar systems electrify Africa

... gathering steam in Africa, and recent acquisitions and activity in the market suggest the uptick is yet to plateau. To date the industry has raised over US$600 million in financing, and two acquisitio ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-03

商湯助建智慧城市 前海創科商機勝港

... 教育方面則須普及中學STEAM教育,栽培基礎人才。   ...全文


Why China could do with a tax cut

... nts. From steam-boat sailing technology, railways, oil exploration and refineries to automobile manufacturing, computers, the internet and smartphones, there has been a continual evolution. Now it’s a ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20


... Merchants Steam Navigation Company),亦即招商局集團前身。 由於招商局「盈虧 ...全文


Gab.com goes offline after 11 dead in Pittsburgh attack

... tting off steam not to kill. That was not our intention,” he said. In earlier statements, the website said it was it was cooperating with law enforcement authorities and described the moves by PayPal ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-29


... ollycombe Steam Collection其中一個遊樂設施。據網上的圖片可見,鬼屋看起來只像香港的一 ...全文


聖公會何明華會督中學 校長在溫馨校園培養正能量

... 科近年亦結合其中成為STEAM,金校長再舉一例,說明學校的貫通性,「甚至我們音樂科也會與STEM結合,試過有一 ...全文


Can Google Pixel 3 take on other Android flagships?

... n to lose steam due to lack of new innovative applications and economic uncertainties. Google has signaled that it wants to be a leader in the Android camp, but for any real breakthrough it must first ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

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