
共 536 個結果
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What makes BASF’s US$10 billion Guangdong project possible?

... rt with a steam cracker with a planned capacity of one million metric tons of ethylene per year. Even more extraordinary is the fact that BASF will be the sole owner and operator. Up to now, all such ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-20


... g Duck In Steamed Chinese Buns北京填鴨荷葉包(68元)、Spring Rolls ...全文



... owaveable steam bags,百佳超市的Growers Pride Supersweet Swee ...全文


Can HTC turn things around quickly?

... eport and Steam, helping it take the lead over its peers in the global VR market, Focus Taiwan news website quoted Wang as saying. Viveport is a Vive app store that provides users with content for VR ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-27


... not use a steam hammer to crack a nut)【註】。這一原則,可以追溯到遠古的 ...全文


陳樹渠紀念中學 回巢校長培訓青年領袖

... 勢,與藝術結合,成為STEAM。 「科學固然重要,未來國家的實力,包括國與國之間的競爭,科技的發展都佔非常重要 ...全文


電玩模擬校園槍擊 招眾怒發行商下架

... 已把遊戲從其網上平台Steam下架,並透露遊戲的開發者早有前科,今次是利用新公司掩護,再度推出違反Valve政 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月31日

海洋公園派1萬門票 每校最多200張

為推廣保護大自然環境,海洋公園將邀請本港各5000名中小學生,分別免費參與「連繫學生與大自然-STEAM 學習 ...全文


What’s the truth behind Apple’s iPhone shipment figures?

... be losing steam after seeing strong sales during the holiday season. Some market observers believe that the price point of iPhone X was simply too high for fans to upgrade to from their current handse ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-03

HK needs more investor education on tech firms: Razer CEO

... en losing steam since the listing, CEO Tan said things are going well for the business. "We outperformed our expectations quite a bit in 2017 and there’s a lot of excitement around gaming and eSports, ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-25


... 據的運用,對方亦坦言STEAM的發展暫時仍在課後活動上。不過相信以新加坡教育系統培訓教師及監察教育質素的效率, ...全文


Circle gaining more clients in Asia, says CEO

... n gaining steam in Europe. Why are you expanding to Hong Kong and the Asia market? And How? A: Circle Trade is the first business that we are building and launching in Asia, and the operations of Circ ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-09

中華基督教會基智中學 空降校長深切體會校友濃情

... 會、生命教育委員會及STEAM委員會,全校老師也會參與其中一個組別。「譬如家政老師、美術老師、物理老師等就在S ...全文


香港道教聯合會雲泉學校 綜合藝術體現多元文化教育

... ,讓學生去展示自己在STEAM方面的成果,並向老師、專家以英語解說。」令校長感到欣慰的是,一些平日較文靜的學生 ...全文


Grab boss reveals next target after Uber deal

... n gaining steam across Southeast Asia. As a further step to build its fintech platform, Grab has teamed up with Japan’s Credit Saison to create a joint venture called Grab Financial Services Asia, ext ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04


... 院合作發展全球首創的STEAM「創造家」幼兒教育課程,把教育科研成果融入幼兒教學,鄭志剛伉儷更親自現身撐場。 ...全文


Time to do something about teenage internet addiction

... o let off steam or seek emotional refuge. And the more heavily they are addicted to the internet, the more likely they would come into conflict with their parents, thereby leading to a vicious circle ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-22


維多利亞教育機構宣布,與美國哈佛大學教育研究院合作發展STEAM「創造家」幼兒教育課程,把教育科研成果融入幼兒 ...全文


Trump stands firm on tariffs as opposition gathers steam

Republican lawmakers stepped up calls for US President Donald Trump to pull back from proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports as a top White House economic adviser who opposes the tariffs said ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07


... 熱烈討論的STEM及STEAM。 上述第一項是透過德育、公民教育、倫理教育和國民教育等去讓學童的個人品德和個 ...全文


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