... AI引擎Adobe Firefly使用教學,以及星展香港捐出的手提電腦,組成創意生成式AI教材套裝,惠及東華三 ...全文
... 新創意生成式人工智能Firefly,聚焦在圖像生成和文本效果方面,透過Firefly,用戶可按自己的語言,生成 ...全文
... 戶透過AI圖像生成器Firefly,以文本提示潤色照片,甚至「無中生有」,生成可作商業用途的圖像,毋須專業攝影 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年05月25日
... 近亦在其影像產生工具Firefly加入「內容證明」(content credentials),讓用戶得以識別圖 ...全文
... 都放在生成式AI技術Firefly及Sensei GenAI,大會對元宇宙未見太多着墨。 目標不限於沉浸式互 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年03月27日
... )模型集Adobe Firefly測試版、標榜運用多種大型語言模型(LLM)的Sensei GenAI等項目。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年03月27日
... I模型集Adobe Firefly測試版。 據悉,Firefly將整合至Adobe Express、Creat ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年03月23日
美國航天公司Firefly Aerospace周四晚為旗下「阿爾法」火箭(Alpha)進行首次試射,但火箭升空 ...全文
... eature is Firefly, which allows users to identify the products they are interested in, including songs and movies, just by scanning them with the phone's camera. By doing so, they can instantly get in ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-19
Initial reviews of Amazon's newly unveiled Fire Phone have been mostly positive. The smartphone packs a new feature called Firefly. Just by scanning a real-world item -- a book or a movie poster for e ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-19
... e phone's Firefly button lets users scan real-world items like a book or a barcode so they can buy the object from Amazon. The 32GB phone costs US$199 with a two-year contract, and a 64GB version is ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-19
What was supposed to be an evening of romance erupted into a riot Wednesday as a heavily promoted event featuring fireflies fizzled at Hangzhou's Xiang Lake, leaving thousands of angry ticket holders, ...More
EJ Insight2014-05-02