
共 679 個結果
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Fed pause: Loosening monetary policy would be a mistake

It would be reasonable to think real estate investors might welcome the anticipation of financial markets that the Fed will pivot to cut rates later this year. Rising interest rates have been a leadin ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-28

The Fed’s credibility problem

Reacting to Silicon Valley Bank’s sudden collapse, André Esteves, a senior Brazilian banking executive, recently told Bloomberg that “SVB’s interest rate risk would’ve been obvious to any banking inte ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-06

Another predictable bank failure

The run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) – on which nearly half of all venture-backed tech start-ups in the United States depend – is in part a rerun of a familiar story, but it’s more than that. Once aga ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Could these two trends save Britain?

As if conditions weren’t gloomy enough in the United Kingdom, the International Monetary Fund recently downgraded the country’s growth forecast even as it offered a brighter outlook for the rest of th ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-08


Han叮囑我,在波士頓過喜慶節日,最好先到超級市場買些食物,不然餐廳店舖大部分放假休息。他感覺到我沒有stoc ...全文


How not to fight inflation

Despite favorable indices, it is too soon to tell whether inflation has been tamed. Nonetheless, two clear lessons have emerged from the recent price surge. First, economists’ standard models – especi ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-30

A better year for stock markets?

Although it has been almost a decade since I gave up a full-time job in finance, markets – and market oddities – still fascinate me, especially when they send signals that run against a widely held co ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-17

Many of China’s super-rich plan to leave country

Alarmed at the slowing economy, fear of higher taxes on income and profits and the increasing dominance of the state sector, thousands of super-rich Chinese want to leave the country. A research repor ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-29

Many of China's super-rich plan to leave country

Alarmed at the slowing economy, fear of higher taxes on ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年12月29日


美國聯儲局每次議息會議後,除了發聲明,還有每隔一次的「經濟展望」,內容豐富,惟不易理解,要有一定經濟學和統計學 ...全文


Another annus horribilis for the Fed

On the 40th anniversary of her accession to the throne, Queen Elizabeth II remarked that, “1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure. In the words of one of my more sympath ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-20


趁着好天氣,人跡稀少,我在波士頓衞斯理女子學院(Wellesley College)感受學術氣氛不知不覺近四小 ...全文


All pain and no gain from higher interest rates

Central banks’ unwavering determination to increase interest rates is truly remarkable. In the name of taming inflation, they have deliberately set themselves on a path to cause a recession – or to wo ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

Think again about persistent inflation, and the non-partisan Fed

Two days after the midterm elections in the United States, the Financial Times reported that US inflation has slowed, markets are “giddy,” and the Federal Reserve may now ease up on its interest-rate ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-23

The World Cup and the world economy

The 22nd World Cup is under way, but who at the beginning of this century would have thought it might be hosted by tiny Qatar? Yet here we are, and the only surprise is that it doesn’t feel all that s ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

Vienna waits for you

My second favourite Billy Joel offering – save from the (in)famous ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – is ‘Vienna’. The lyrics begin as such: Slow down you crazy childYou're so ambitious for a juvenile For a ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-28

China’s coming clash with economic reality

Judging by the reporting from the Communist Party of China’s 20th National Congress, Xi Jinping, newly anointed to an unprecedented third term as president, is tightening his political grip and streng ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-25

J. Bradford DeLong on US inflation, redistribution and more

Project Syndicate: In March, you wrote that higher inflation was “inevitable and therefore not regrettable,” because it was “a side effect and a consequence of the robust recovery,” which amounts to a ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-17

The stagflationary debt crisis is here

For a year now, I have argued that the increase in inflation would be persistent, that its causes include not only bad policies but also negative supply shocks, and that central banks’ attempt to figh ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

Making net-zero pledges count

Walking down a Toronto street recently I saw an ad touting a fossil-fuel company’s net-zero credentials. But to see such belief-straining claims, I would not even need to leave my house. According to ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-27

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