美國廉航精神航空(Spirit Airlines)一班客機,周一準備降落海地首都太子港期間遭子彈擊中,一名空中 ...全文
... 行動,為零部件供應商Spirit AeroSystems提供財政援助。此外,波音據報考慮出售研發飛行地圖的子公 ...全文
路透引述消息人士稱,美國飛機製造商波音(Boeing)即將落實一項行動,為零部件供應商Spirit AeroS ...全文
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,美國廉航公司Frontier Airlines與Spirit Airlines再 ...全文
... 款開源多模態語言模型Spirit LM,AI更可識別語氣的情緒,例如是否興奮、憤怒或驚訝,讓互動過程更加自然。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年10月23日
... 人。■ 陷財困的廉航Spirit Airlines獲押後兩個月處理一筆貸款再融資需求。■ 金融初創企業Stri ...全文
陷入財困的美國廉航精神航空(Spirit Airlines)獲押後兩個月處理一筆貸款再融資需求,消息牽動精神航 ...全文
... 工潮事件影響,供應商Spirit AeroSystems暫時解僱700名僱員。■ 英特爾據報洽售可編程晶片部門 ...全文
美國飛機製造商波音(Boeing)西雅圖廠區近期爆發工潮,受罷工事件影響,波音供應商Spirit AeroSy ...全文
... Lion Rock spirit. Hong Kong’s two national security laws knocked a hole in that admiration. Politicians, people, and the media in the West now see Hong Kong as a city with lost freedoms. It will take ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-16
... 挫3.2%,美國廉航Spirit Airlines據報可能尋求破產保護,股價插水24.6%。金融股受捧,摩根大 ...全文
... 挫3.2%,美國廉航Spirit Airlines據報可能尋求破產保護,股價插水24.6%。 日圓瀉1.4%低 ...全文
... 以61.9億美元收購Spirit Realty Capital,使得其從255.5百萬平方尺的資產飆升至335 ...全文
... ollow her spirit of lifelong learning and try out digital maps such as geographic information systems (GIS) one day. ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-02
McKinsey Greater China's chairman, Joe Ngai, recently delivered a thought-provoking speech on how to rejuvenate Hong Kong, which was a spur to the city and every enterprise. In his speech, he question ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-24
... Norwegian Spirit)為例,該郵輪接載近三千名由台灣高雄上船的乘客及船員於八月二十二日傍晚六時抵港 ...全文
... 7 MAX機艙生產商Spirit AeroSystems在8月時減慢機艙每月產量,由31個減至21個。Spir ...全文
... ivity and spirit of pushing boundaries, PHANTACi has continuously collaborated with renowned brands to launch diverse and dynamic collections. Marking its 18th anniversary, PHANTACi joins forces with ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-28
... Parisian spirit, unparalleled craftsmanship, and an endless wellspring of creativity that make it utterly irresistible. As the Quatre collection celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, Boucheron c ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-28