滙豐PayMe與香港電視(01137)旗下HKTVmall合作,客戶於本周稍後時間可於HKTVmall上透過P ...全文
滙豐Payme與HKTVmall合作,客戶可於HKTVmall上使用Payme付款。 對於未來會否引入其他支付 ...全文
萬事達卡(Mastercard)宣布與HKTVmall成為合作夥伴,並加強與預約的士應用程式HKTaxi合作。 ...全文
... 37)旗下的網購平台HKTVmall有售漳州片仔癀10粒裝,售價6480元,即每粒約650元,貴過大家去看西醫 ...全文
... business HKTVmall is losing half a million dollars a day. Well, that's a marked improvement from earlier when it was in the hole by HK$$1 million a day, before trimming the losses down to HK$800,000 ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-16
花旗集團宣布與HKTVmall、東瀛遊等企業合作,推出六項開放應用程式介面(API)合作計劃,當中包括信用卡管 ...全文
... s such as HKTVmall can't benefit by following the broad path shown by Amazon. The key element: a diverse business model, which can serve as a useful template. HKTVmall, launched by Hong Kong Televisi ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-30
... 下個月初試業,並不是HKTVmall和Amazon的模式,而會挑選特別的產品助廣告客做初期銷售推廣,不會賣平價 ...全文
... ,下個月初業,並不是HKTVmall和Amazon的模式,而會挑選特别的產品助廣告客做初期銷售推廣,不會賣平價 ...全文
... 137)旗下網購平台HKTVmall合作的首個商業項目。花旗銀行香港區總經理伍燕儀表示,5月將再宣布4至5個商 ...全文
... ening his HKTVmall business that was launched three years ago. With a major distraction out of the way, Wong can focus more on boosting the online shopping platform that holds good promise yet faces ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-28
... ertising, HKTVmall has now become a leading online platform for Hongkongers to purchase daily necessities. The new business has gained enough recognition to make people almost forget about the group's ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-17
... 時公布,旗下網購平台HKTVmall及HoKoBuy的合併營運數據,其中去年12月平均每日訂單7600宗,較1 ...全文
... 的消費者,明顯增加在HKTVmall上購物,門市可吸引一班平日較少網購的消費者,嘗試參與網購,亦能起到宣傳效果 ...全文
... rtress or HKTVMall accepting bitcoin in Hong Kong. Many of the established financial institutions I spoke with in Japan expect further regulatory developments which would allow them to offer crypto-to ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-17