晶片製造商高通(Qualcomm)周三在季度業績報告中披露,蘋果將向該公司支付45億至47億美元(約351億至 ...全文
Qualcomm Inc. shares fell about 3.5 percent on Wednesday as investors got their first look at the bottom-line impact of a patent fight settlement with Apple Inc., Reuters reports. The stock kept most ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-02
蘋果公司與高通(Qualcomm)日前達成「世紀大和解」, 雙方同意撤銷全球所有訴訟,為兩年多的專利權糾紛畫上 ...全文
... 務,但在蘋果與高通(Qualcomm)就晶片糾紛達成和解協議後停止。 在達成和解的消息傳出後數小時,英特爾宣布 ...全文
... 在蘋果公司和高通(Qualcomm)和解後,英特爾就宣布退出5G智能手機晶片業務。 路透引述英特爾行政總裁斯 ...全文
... run on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855. The RAM could start at 8 gigabytes and may go up to 10 GB. The camera system could be the main differentiator between OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro. OnePlus 7 Pro is s ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-25
... chipmaker Qualcomm and several device makers, Unicom announced that it will launch a 5G network for commercial trial next month in seven cities across China. As per the carrier's 5G business and netwo ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-24
Apple and Qualcomm have settled their two-year legal battle in relation to patent and licensing issues, with the firms announcing on Tuesday that they agreed to drop all lawsuits against each other. U ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-18
Chipmaker Qualcomm on Tuesday won a major victory with a surprise settlement of its wide-ranging legal dispute with Apple that includes a supply agreement, Reuters reports. The settlement also incorpo ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-17
蘋果公司與晶片商高通(Qualcomm)就專利糾紛達成和解,兩間公司同意放棄所有訴訟。高通股價收市暴漲23%; ...全文
... 包括美國晶片商高通(Qualcomm)等企業。對於AI未來的挑戰,尚海龍明言,除了為AI技術尋求融資外,向消費 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年04月17日
... chipmaker Qualcomm is in limbo because of a bitter legal dispute over royalty payments. The US tech giant is using Intel's baseband chip for its current iPhone models with 2G, 3G and 4G mobile signal ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-16
... ,勢必為晶片商高通(Qualcomm)及英特爾(Intel)帶來挑戰。 華為自行研發的5G晶片至今只供自家手機 ...全文
... ,勢必為晶片商高通(Qualcomm)和英特爾(Intel)帶來挑戰。 任正非在接受CNBC電視台訪問的片段中 ...全文
... 幾家公司,例如高通(Qualcomm)、華為推出5G調解器(Modem)晶片。惟蘋果一直與高通陷於專利授權費紛 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年04月10日