... ces. Chui Tak-yi, the Undersecretary for Food and Health, supported the “one estate, one nurse” proposal. But he also said district health centers will provide subsidized health checks and one-stop h ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-06
... r Andy Yu Tak-po from the Civic Party, who sought to only close down the zone temporarily until the government comes up with an effective supervision mechanism as well as launch a licensing system for ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-04
... ing, Shun Tak Group, and Motor Transport Company of Guangdong and Hong Kong. The initial period for the franchise is five years. Operators are entitled to the right of extending it by another five yea ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-28
九龍東啟德地王效應持續帶動新盤銷情,市民已進入瘋搶新盤的階段。會德豐地產旗下啟德OASIS KAI TAK(下 ...全文
... r Andy Yu Tak-po from the Civic Party, on the other hand, sought a temporarily closure until the government comes up with an effective supervision mechanism as well as launch a licensing system for st ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-25
... OASIS KAI TAK,則在啟德地王誕生的第三天(18日)率先搶閘推出50伙,而且推售短短1.5小時內即告 ...全文
... trick Nip Tak-kuen during a recent special Legislative Council meeting that the mainland provision about nurturing and implementing the core values of socialism is not going to exist in Hong Kong’s na ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-21
... OASIS KAI TAK周日上午11時推出1伙,為低座B座2至3樓A單位,實用面積1470方呎,附458方呎 ...全文
九龍東啟德發展區住宅地皮登上賣地表最貴地王寶座,會德豐地產位於同區的OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS ...全文
會德豐地產旗下位於啟德的GRAND OASIS KAI TAK今天發售共50伙,於開售後約1.5小時已全數沽清 ...全文
... uffed and taken to a police station before he was taken to a hospital to have his injuries checked. The journalist said the head of the police station asked him to sign a written repentance; otherwise ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-17
會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀表示,會德豐地產旗下九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK,昨晚落實本周五發售新一批50 ...全文