元朗YOHO Town 2座高層C室,實用面積約393方呎,建築面積約525方呎,2房間隔,外望內園景觀,近日 ...全文
新地(00016)為旗下出租住宅物業開設新品牌「TOWNPLACE本舍」,目前包括已近100%租出的西環卑路乍 ...全文
新地(00016)推出租賃品牌「TOWNPLACE本舍」,新地Signature Homes總經理官曉霓說,該 ...全文
Clashes between police and suspected cartel gunmen in a northern Mexican town killed 21 people this weekend, Reuters reports, citing local authorities. The government of the northern state of Coahuila ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-02
... n coastal town of Yonpo at around 5 pm (0800 GMT). The rockets traveled up to 380 km and reached an altitude of 97 km, the JCS said. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the launch was a threat not ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-29
... y Game in Town: Central Banks, Instability, and Avoidin ...全文
今日信報時事評論Mohamed A. El-Erian2019年11月27日
... 39元。 YOHO Town兩房月租1.35萬元 元朗YOHO Town 8座中層C室,實用面積約461方呎, ...全文
... h as Cape Town are still unable to secure water supply in periods of even minor drought illustrates the magnitude of the problem and the lack of attention that has been paid to water infrastructure. T ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-15
... District Town Hall. A spokesman said the government was saddened by the incident. It was in contact with the victim's family through the service contractor and promised to provide assistance, the gov ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-14
... ndustrial town Foshan also posted a pick-up in GDP growth to 7 percent in the nine months to September. The US trade war and property market cooling measures are some key factors behind Shenzhen’s slo ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-14
... player in town: Facebook’s Libra initiative. Facebook and a currently shifting coalition of firms are planning to launch their own private form of money that would, in some sense, be secured by holdin ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-11
... ntral new town of Sha Tin and a restaurant seen as being pro-Beijing, overturning banqueting tables and smashing glass panels, two weeks before the District Council elections. Violence spilled out ont ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-11
... 44元。 YOHO Town兩房638萬沽 元朗YOHO Town第7座低層D室,實用面積422方呎,兩房單位 ...全文
... e English town of Telford, said Labour would deliver real change and share power and wealth with people who “don’t have friends in high places”. He also cautioned against believing the consensus view ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-07
... lk of the town was the clashes between police and anti-government protesters in six major shopping malls on Sunday, most notably the bloody scenes at Cityplaza in the usually quiet middle-class neighb ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-05
... he remote town of Yen Thanh in Nghe An province said on Saturday that he believed most of the dead were likely from Vietnam. British police have said very few of the victims were carrying official ide ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-28
... f farming town Saladillo, said: “What’s in play in this election are simply two opposing views of the country.” Fernandez, a relative unknown outside Argentine political circles until this year, held ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-28