... doors and windows and alert the estate security guards as well as the police. Police officers arrived at the scene and confronted the knife-wielding man, who authorities later identified as someone be ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-23
... 稱,微軟3月中已發現Windows XP系統存在安全漏洞,當時發放了一個安全更新,可阻止WannaCry入侵, ...全文
... aning the windows of her flat when she lost her balance and fell. Police have classified the case as a person falling from a height. The woman was a holder of a temporary ID (Form of Recognizance) and ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-19
... 織堵截「想哭」利用的Windows嚴重安全漏洞,但仍有許多組織沒有如此做──其實勒索軟體並非新生事物,多年來, ...全文
... e all the windows were sealed with wooden planks and aluminum foil. An LPG burner was also used to produce more carbon dioxide in order to speed up the growth of the cannabis plants. There were also c ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-18
... 入侵數據。 包括針對Windows 10新漏洞 Shadow Broker透露,相關出售的「商品」包括:針對瀏 ...全文
... keep the windows and curtains closed. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/CG ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-17
... 感染個案均是使用微軟Windows 7作業系統。該局轄下的香港電腦保安協調中心截至昨日,共接獲330多個查詢電 ...全文
... and runs Windows 7 operating system, while the other two are used in offices and run Windows 2008 and Windows 7, according to Wong. He did not reveal details of the cases and related losses. Hong Kon ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-16
... SA如果一發現視窗(Windows)系統的漏洞就向微軟報告,攻擊就不會發生。 黑客組織Shadow Broke ...全文
... 宗為家用電腦,均使用Windows 7系統;2宗涉及商用電腦,分別使用Windows2008及Windows7 ...全文
... rsions of Windows it was otherwise no longer supporting, including Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. While the scale of the attack shows Microsoft needs to strengthen its own capabilities, “there is ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-15
... ,然後馬上更新最新的Windows(視窗)版本。 WannaCry是專門針對使用微軟舊版Windows系統的電 ...全文
... 度用戶仍在使用較舊的Windows XP(視窗XP),相信兩國是主要重災區。 在中國大陸,清華大學、北京大學、 ...全文
微軟周四披露,今年秋天將更新旗下作業系統Windows 10(視窗10),重點加強跨裝置和跨平台同步,令iOS ...全文
... apartment windows while her husband held onto her legs or waist in order to prevent her from falling. The window-cleaner, who was wearing a tank top and shorts, was perched on a ledge that was just ab ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-09
... all glass windows to let in more natural light. Apartments in Hong Kong tend to be quite compact. Rugged and casual style ● Exposed columns, wires, pipes, etc. are the distinctive features of the orig ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-02
... d to open windows manually for ventilation. Most of the passengers remained calm awaiting rescue. A passenger, surnamed Cheung, said the train had suddenly slowed and stopped after a loud noise. Anoth ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-11
市場研究發現,Google旗下Android是最普及的作業系統,意味微軟的Windows(視窗)不再獨佔鰲頭, ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年04月06日