蘋果公司繼在英美等地推出Apple Pay支付服務後,亦將於今年夏季登陸香港,首批包括滙豐銀行、渣打香港及中銀 ...全文
Apple announced Monday that it will be opening its Siri digital assistant to outside developers, a move that will allow users to activate apps such as Uber and Skype with voice commands At its Worldwi ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-14
眾所周知,美國蘋果公司相當重視香港市場,其CEO庫克早前更把季績差劣歸咎於香港旅遊業疲弱;然而,庫克去年亦講過 ...全文
在蘋果公司公布業績前夕,分析員周日預計開售一周年的智能手錶Apple Watch銷量,比iPhone 2007 ...全文
Apple Inc. sold twice as many of its Apple Watches in the device's first year as iPhones in the smartphone's debut year. Yet the smartwatch is dogged by a perception of disappointment that seems prema ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-25
蘋果公司在香港時間昨天凌晨一如預料,發布4吋小屏幕智能手機iPhone SE,開售價3488港元起,為歷來最低 ...全文
Apple Inc. has launched its lowest-priced iPhone and slashed the price of its smart watch. The new four-inch iPhone SE will start at US$399, or US$50 less than the iPhone 5S where it is based on, but ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-22
蘋果公司將於香港時間明天凌晨1時舉行產品發布會,預料推出售價較低、4吋細屏幕的iPhone升級版,一反兩年前透 ...全文
天文台台長岑智明透露,為提升分析及預測能力,飛行服務隊兩部新飛機特別改裝,配合使用「下投式探空儀」【圖】於熱帶 ...全文
蘋果公司周四宣布,本月21日將舉行發布會。一如既往,蘋果大賣關子,無透露任何詳情。外界預期,急於刺激業績的蘋果 ...全文