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PICO FAR EAST(00752) 月報表

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 截至2021年6月30日止月份之月報表(562KB, pdf) ...全文


On Donald Rumsfeld

... he Middle Eastern country. The Lancet survey put an estimate on 600,000 violent deaths out of 650,000 excess deaths induced by the Iraq War between March 2003 and June 2006. Classified, leaked documen ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-05

Why Japan decides to defend Taiwan

... China and East China Sea. In 2017, the two countries and Taiwan agreed to share military aircraft codes to help identify friendly aircraft. On June 15, 28 Chinese military planes flew into Taiwan's Ai ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-05

大多倫多價格年飆33% 華人愛住北約克

... York)、東約克(East York)、北約克、士嘉堡(Scarborough)及怡陶碧谷(Etobicok ...全文


分層豪宅181 East入場320萬港元

... illowdale East的分層住宅新盤181 East來港推售,售價由逾50萬加元(逾320萬港元)起。 ...全文


PICO FAR EAST(00752) 中期業績 / 股息或分派

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 截至二零二一年四月三十日止六個月之未經審核中期業績(466KB, p ...全文


太平洋海底光纜傳流標 美警告華企參與威脅安全

... 克羅尼西亞電纜項目(East Micronesia Cable project)」,旨在改善瑙魯、基里巴斯和密 ...全文


New China ambassador lands in London into nest of hornets

... amlets in east London. At the handover ceremony in 2018, Zheng’s predecessor said that the embassy would become a “new landmark in London”. But, in March, the council of Tower Hamlets voted to conside ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-17

New China ambassador lands in London into nest of hornets

... amlets in east London. At the handover ceremony in 2018 ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年06月17日

A curse worse than cash

... on the US East Coast until the company paid the hackers $5 million in Bitcoin, and, even more recently, an attack on JBS, the world’s largest meat producer. Such episodes highlight what for some of us ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-08

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 董事會召開日期

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 董事會召開日期(111KB, pdf) ...全文



舖市轉旺,發展商亦把握時機出貨,會德豐地產發展的油塘單幢項目PENINSULA EAST基座商舖,以3.1億元 ...全文


費Sir管理上司有計 收警告信當激勵

... 是蘇格蘭東史特靈郡(East Stirlingshire),其後跳槽聖美倫(St. Mirren),加盟該球會 ...全文



... 全超導托卡馬克裝置(EAST)上,成功把等離子體加熱至攝氏1.2億度,相當於太陽核心溫度的8倍,並憑101秒運 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年06月02日

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 月報表

PICO FAR EAST(00752) 截至2021年5月31日止月份之月報表(575KB, pdf) ...全文


New development areas crucial to easing land shortage

... ung Chung East New Town Extension on Lantau Island, Kwu Tung North and Fanling North in Northern New Territories, as well as Hung Shui Kiu in Northwest New Territories. The government should review th ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-28

The Govt needs to ask itself what the endgame for Arts Tech is

...  far, the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC), marked as a dedicated Arts Tech testbed when it opens in 2023, looks the most promising. The workshops, seminars and hands-on test-runs organized in this ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-25


... dox-arabs-east-jerusalem-coronavirus.html 9 Israel figh ...全文



... South, my East and West”),也是爸爸、媽媽的「工作周及周日休息」(“My workin ...全文


Office decentralisation trend in Hong Kong

... s Kowloon East, Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui, comparing to the traditional central business districts (CBDs) on the Hong Kong island. Hong Kong has long been an international finance hub and the need fo ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-06

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