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PARK YOHO Bologna首批均價較同區一手低逾一成

... 如早前屯門NOVO LAND般熱烈,首批料可「一Q清枱」,估計發展商會以克制價加推。 美聯物業住宅部行政總裁( ...全文


Beware the ides of ageism

... as of the land? Can the answer be developed only through scavenging through past historical archives and facts, anecdotes and stories? Could an answer be found in the echo chamber comprising the veter ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-14

How to settle the great chess cheating scandal

...  randomly land on amazing computer-like ideas that magically work. Moreover, instead of refusing to play Niemann, Carlsen should agree to an informal match where they first play 20 blitz games, the fa ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-14

地界須求公認 權威何處找尋

... 務上的土地測量監督(Land Survey Authority),固已是土地測量權威。然而弄成今日的地界現象, ...全文


The state is taking back energy

... ny and Finland, caused the European benchmark price to increase fivefold over the 12 months to June of this year. On one estimate, average consumer energy bills in Britain – which imports little Russi ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

Policy Address suggestion: Digital transformation of government

...  improved land planning. On the other hand, the government expects that the area will provide more than 900,000 residential units, accommodating about 2.5 million people. By applying the transit-orien ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10


... 倫敦2-8a Rutland Gate超級豪宅的公開面孔是中國房地產商人Cheung Chung-kiu,後者 ...全文



... 型住宅項目NOVO LAND第1A期及第1B期,其次是恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目第1期One Inno ...全文


Historic fall of pound marks Britain’s decline

... e globe’s land surface and the pound was the world’s leading currency. In 1929, the U.S. dollar replaced sterling as the global currency for the first time. On July 22, 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreeme ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-04

新盤上季成交3564宗 新地佔半
Wetland 3期周四推80伙 折實最平507萬

... 伐,旗下天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第3期(Wetland Lot No.33 Develop ...全文



... tamp Duty Land Tax for those purchasing a residential p ...全文


測地界須授權 矛盾多宜檢討

... e),土地測量總監(Land Survey Authority)指明所有認可土地測量師(Authorized ...全文


Metaverse is a 3D map

The mainland's metaverse economy is ready to take off. According to the estimate from a Mainland research firm askci Corporation, starting from this year, the market size of China's metaverse is expec ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-26

Italy must tackle climate security

... 50 years, landslides and flooding have forced more than 320,000 people to evacuate their homes, and eroded some 40 million square meters of beach front. Now, 91% of Italy’s cities and 12,000 cultural ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-24

薄扶林原居民後代高永康 實現牛奶公司30年前保育計劃

... mpossible land」,因為在斜坡上養牛是世界少有。牧場用當時的高科技營運,很早就有人工受孕和疫苗,用 ...全文


測繪地界 「黑市」運作

... 條例所載謂測量總監(Land Survey Authority)並無權力批准所收的地界云云。這樣的回覆或許反映 ...全文


Best way to preserve nature is also the fairest

... ancestral lands around the world. We are proven stewards of much of the world’s precious yet dwindling natural inheritance. Deforestation on our lands is much lower than elsewhere. Vegetation is thick ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-14

GIS incorporating AI can optimise urban planning

... e lack of land constrained its development. At the same time, the northern metropolitan area has been identified as the new development area. The students study how to make the best use of the area to ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-14


... 的《土地業權條例》(Land Titles Ordinance),但至今仍空有此例,但永無續後執行之期。此新條 ...全文


Why the Fed should wait and see

... e a major land war in Europe. And now no one can predict how long the war will last, or how long it will take for political leaders to stop the price spikes associated with it (some of which are simpl ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-13

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