... 相反地,讓我們看看MasterCard的報告,現在無現金付款最成功的新加坡(61%)、荷蘭(60%)、法國( ...全文
網上騙案層出不窮,尤其黑客活動近年成為網絡安全的頭號威脅。為保障發卡銀行及持卡人, MasterCard昨天宣 ...全文
... 付款(Visa / MasterCard),並沒使用其他支付系統。 接連兩次不明交易 多名市民在社交網站「運動 ...全文
... Visa、萬事達卡(MasterCard)等信用卡營運商。 在線科技亦鼓勵新人加入。在中國,第三方服務供應商螞 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月01日
... ayWave、感應式Mastercard和銀聯閃付拍卡繳費,但形式只在現時的收費方式作小修小改,駕駛者仍須停車 ...全文
老化的顛覆者總是裝作仍有很大的擴充空間,所以萬事達卡(MasterCard)寧願不斷談論取代現金的機會,而非它 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月18日
MasterCard宣布,計劃擴展二維碼(QR Code)支付服務,將於明年香港推出試驗計劃。持卡人日後只要透 ...全文
... ayWave、感應式MasterCard及銀聯閃付。總運輸主任(隧道及青馬)蘇鎮存透露,現時快易通(Autot ...全文
... payWave, MasterCard Contactless and UnionPay QuickPass as new tap-to-pay systems will be installed. The rollout will be done in stages over a year until July 2018. Starting from July 23, Shing Mun Tu ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-14
... ayWave、感應式MasterCard及銀聯閃付,司機將車駛近人手收費亭,在智能讀卡器「嘟一嘟」即可。為配合 ...全文
... 達卡集團旗下諮詢公司MasterCard Advisors發布MasterCard SpendingPulse ...全文
... Inc. and MasterCard Inc. have yet to be independently licensed to clear transactions in China, despite a 2012 WTO ruling mandating that Beijing open the sector. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-12
... he latest Mastercard Well-Being Index, Ming Pao Daily reported. Hong Kong ranked No. 11 with a score of 58.6, behind China, which was in the fifth place, but ahead of Taiwan, which was No. 16, and Jap ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-31
... ted news, MasterCard has launched the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs. The report places Hong Kong at the third place with 82.2 percent, trailing Singapore (83.3 percent) and New Zealand (82.6 ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-08
... 業全球策略。 此外,MasterCard首度發表女性創業家指數,探討各地社會是否具備有利女性創業的配套條件,結 ...全文
... 」 金沙、工銀亞洲和MasterCard昨日舉行記者會,宣布推出聯營信用卡,出席活動的賀德偉被記者再三追問「女 ...全文
... he latest MasterCard survey, mainland Chinese topped the list in Valentine's Day budgets, planning to splurge US$310 on average, followed by people from Hong Kong (US$282) and Taiwan (US$271). That c ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-15
... d company MasterCard, Hong Kong people planned to spend US$282 (roughly HK$2,200) on average to mark the day of love, next only to mainland Chinese who indicated they would spend US$310. In a survey c ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-14