... 被踢出以美元為主導的SWIFT國際結算系統,但普京祭出天然氣貿易必須以盧布結算的招數,拒不從者將被「斷氣」。此 ...全文
... ency. The swift provision of 3,900 beds demonstrates the upside of MiC in saving plenty of construction time. Construction time cut greatly using MiC Some architects reckon that the products of MiC ar ...More
EJ Insight2022-04-04
... 並全以歐羅結算。根據SWIFT最新資料,2月美元在國際支付佔比為38.85%,按月跌1.07%;次名的歐羅佔3 ...全文
... allow for swift judicial oversight during times of crisis. Civil society and the media bear most of the responsibility in a democracy for preventing the spread of disinformation. They also have the po ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-31
... 產,把俄羅斯銀行踢出SWIFT支付系統,禁止向俄羅斯出售高科技等。不過,較嚴厲措施是否推出,端視俄羅斯會否堅持 ...全文
... 部分俄羅斯銀行排除在SWIFT系統之外,客觀上造成了相關國家對美元信心的動搖,可能意味着國際貨幣體系的變革迎來 ...全文
... from the SWIFT financial messaging system for international bank payments – will hasten the effort to develop alternative systems and structures. This could, the OECD warns, erode the US dollar’s dom ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-28
... 業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)系統,縮減跨境滙款費用及時間。Wise亞太區業務拓展主管李東濠接受本報訪問時表 ...全文
... tainable. Swift action will be needed to minimize the economic fallout in Europe. And while one hopes that a boycott of Russian energy will bring peace sooner rather than later, Europe should be prepa ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-25
... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)結算系統。另一邊廂,普京在政府會議中指出,將開始要求「不友好」的國家以盧布支付 ...全文
... 銀行金融電訊協會」(SWIFT)結算系統,俄股亦被剔出環球主要指數及交易所買賣基金(ETF)。 Danske ...全文
To be effective, economic sanctions depend on multilateral coordination. Freezing the Russian central bank’s holdings and kicking Russian banks out of the SWIFT financial messaging system for internat ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-24
... 多家俄羅斯銀行剔除在SWIFT支付系統之外,如果俄羅斯機構無法清償債務,則國際銀行業可能會蒙受損失。全球避險的 ...全文
... 傳統金融支付清算系統SWIFT中踢出去,另一面烏克蘭政府公開其虛擬貨幣地址以便接受更多人的捐贈;此等反差讓很多 ...全文
... 早期的Taylor Swift顯出女性獨立,男歌手Keith Urban和Brad Paisley則有溫柔一面 ...全文
... 開展業務,還被排除在SWIFT(用於國際銀行間支付的金融電文傳輸系統)之外。俄羅斯中央銀行的證券和存款已被凍結 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicage2022年03月21日
... from the SWIFT system for international payments, seemed an ambitious goal. But the US and its allies accomplished that and a lot more. In an unprecedentedly bold move, the US Treasury, together with ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-21
... 業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)把特定俄羅斯能源及參與能源貿易的銀行逐出,由於此等升級制裁會進一步打擊歐洲經濟 ...全文