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亞馬遜新策略 速遞費「蝕水腳」

... 聞一出,兩大速遞巨頭UPS和聯邦快遞(FedEx)的股價應聲下挫。但在芸芸受到亞馬遜衝擊的老牌企業,這兩大巨頭 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年10月09日

Amazon testing own delivery service to rival FedEx, UPS

... andled by UPS and FedEx. Handling more deliveries itself would give Amazon greater flexibility and control over the last mile to shoppers’ doorsteps, let it save money through volume discounts, and he ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-06


... 馬遜的送貨服務不時由UPS和聯邦快遞(FedEx)代辦,新服務或會讓亞馬遜與兩間速遞公司由合作夥伴轉變為競爭對 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年10月06日

HK needs crowdfunding-friendly regulatory regime

... ong start-ups and investors in Hong Kong is that our existing laws are simply too strict. Therefore, in order to boost the healthy development of crowdfunding, the government must eliminate grey areas ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-19

Making the most out of short-term market concerns

... always be ups and downs. But when uncertainties and market noises bring short-term setbacks, those are good buying opportunities, provided that you have strong belief in long-term trends. The same goe ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-14

Equities: Why investors should sometimes ignore market noise

... re market ups and downs, but a market meltdown usually only occurs on either extreme fear or plunging earnings. We've seen neither of the two so far. Unless there are extremely adverse changes, the ch ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-13

With direct flights to Dublin, Cathay takes big bet on Ireland

... ish start-ups and entrepreneurs. For the Hong Kong and wider Chinese Community in Ireland and the Irish Community in Hong Kong, it will make getting home so much more convenient as well as encouraging ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11

Education in Hong Kong: A tale of snobbery and ignorance

... ere grown-ups preside over educational policy, vocational training has both status and resources. This is particularly so in Germany which has a long tradition of valuing this kind of education and no ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-08

Early diagnosis and intervention on fatty liver

... ave check-ups regularly to better monitor their bodily functions. With early diagnosis and follow-ups, permanent damage to the liver can be avoided as fatty liver is a reversible condition that can be ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-08

A world of small-cap opportunities

... o weather ups and downs, but it can be painful during downturns. Indeed, this has created a perception among investors that small-cap investing is especially risky, when in fact it is mostly a functio ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-05


... 後,最大的動作就是和UPS JV,雙方分別投資五百萬美元,共計一千萬美元,五十五十各佔一半股權。但是,這中美巨 ...全文


How I survived my first-aid training

... ection of ups or downs, in and out, in the middle of handling a wound with bandages. My buddy was not doing anything close to what the instructor did either. Most of the time, we had some terribly mes ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

Amazon to cut Whole Foods prices, escalating grocery turf war

...  from the upscale chain, but are more in line with Amazon's broader strategy of sacrificing short-term profit for long-term market dominance. "Amazon is more focused on driving volume and improving se ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

Simplify your manufacturing supply chain with 3D printing

... ucial and UPS's on-demand 3D printing solution can open up new opportunities for Hong Kong businesses. When 3D printing is being integrated seamlessly into a company’s supply chain, it revolutionizes ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-17

If Inflation is fizzling out, can profits be far behind?

... ion flare-ups occur a couple of years into a cycle, or at mid-cycle at the latest. This time, the cycle is getting old — very old — but inflation remains surprisingly tame, running well behind previou ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-15

正尋求批准 可跟隨頭車列隊行

... 益。根據美國速遞公司UPS資料,柴油貨車一缸油可走800公里, 該公司用於市內速遞的電動貨車每次充電只能走12 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月11日

Will Hong Kong market soar above 30,000 points again?

... h various ups and downs. It remains to be seen whether mainland capital inflows will be sufficient to support the broader market. The Hong Kong and mainland markets are closely linked, and the former ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24

HK industrial firms reap big from China real-estate assets

... for start-ups and R&D companies. The company filed applications to convert the use of two land plots in Shenzhen into commercial and residential complexes, namely Nam Tai Inno Park and Nam Tai Inn ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-14

Hong Kong's new tech frontier: Yuen Long

... for start-ups and research and development companies can provide an outlet for entrepreneurs graduating from the city’s universities, and it can convince more technology companies to relocate to Hong ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-14

Li Ka-shing leads flood of Chinese investment into Israel

Last week (June 25-26), Hong Kong hosted the Third China-Israel Investment Summit, attracting more than 120 Israeli innovation start-ups and 300 investors from Hong Kong and the mainland. “China and I ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-03

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