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【盤房來料】降準幅度遜預期 大市偏軟

... 易,有淡倉喺手,不妨keep住先。 麥狄文(徐狄怡‧證監會持牌人) ...全文


Reopening story in Asia and renewed investment opportunity

... tive, and keep in mind the ebbs and flows of the geopolitical situation. There are three further points that will continue to drive growth in China equities: the pickup of the domestic economy and the ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

Europe’s economy on a knife edge

... y use and keep the wheels turning. But using less gas is one thing; using none at all is quite another. In the latter scenario, gas-powered factories won’t be economizing; they will be shutting down. ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

CFO’s top priorities for future-proofing finance teams

... llsets to keep pace with accelerated business change and elevate the value they can bring. A majority (57%) of CFOs are looking for technology skillsets in future hires that include artificial intelli ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

A cure for Europe’s addiction to Russian energy

... eze – and keep heating bills affordable. Member states’ governments may well balk at the prospect of the EU introducing more stringent – and binding – requirements for national energy savings. After a ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-11


... 正式開市之後,都只係Keep住喺低位徘徊。去到9點53分,見到指數同噚日開市時嘅走勢差唔多,都係二話不說地低開 ...全文


How to attract investors in the Greater Bay Area

... d did not keep up to date with technological innovation. It is crucial to understand that demand for a modern digital experience should not be equated with a desire to interact only with a slick app. ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-08


... 日恒指喺小時圖上一直Keep住喺10小時線以上位置,呢注過唔過夜真係要睇你幾大注同敢唔敢啦,純綷個人唔鍾意過夜 ...全文


Time to talk peace terms with Russia

... l help to keep NATO and Russia separated – a positive good for all parties, and for the world. Ukraine can thrive as a non-NATO country, just as Austria, Cyprus, Ireland, Malta, Finland, and Sweden th ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-29

The Ukraine war is reshaping development

... y need to keep development on track. Given this, it is up to EMDEs to transform their approach to development. They may be well served by using China’s experience as a guide. Copyright: Project Syndic ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-28

Building the green-recovery consensus

... ntury. To keep global warming at a far safer level, below 1.5ºC, carbon dioxide emissions will need to fall by 45% (from 2010 levels) by 2030, and then to net zero by 2050. Now that we know Omicron to ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-22

Developing digital literacy to keep consumers safe online

... education keeps pace with ever-developing scams. Developing digital literacy to keep consumers safe online For all our advances in digitalisation, this gap between digital consumption and digital lite ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-17

Shielding poor children from the looming food crisis

... t tool to keep poor and vulnerable children in the classroom in food-insecure areas. This is true even during systemic shocks such as droughts that may affect overall food supplies. Many developing co ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-17

MPF spells for miserable

... nt. Well, keep your mind off your pension statement. The good old days of the healthy stock and Hong Kong market would return one day – although frankly we do not know when. -- Contact us at english@h ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-16

Allan Zeman talks about why he’ll never give up on Hong Kong

... child for keeping the virus out. Then, we were two days away from opening the border with China, but Omicron came and it was a different beast altogether. I have stayed in Hong Kong this whole time be ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-16

The anatomy of the net-zero transition

...  does not keep pace with the decommissioning of high-emission technologies, there could be shortages and price spikes, potentially eroding support for the transition. At the same time, the net-zero tr ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-15

Four tips for SME survival during Hong Kong's fifth wave

... help SMEs keep track of new sales and expenses to scale effectively and prepare for economic recovery. Tip #3 Invest in digital marketing to boost your brand and drive leads SMEs with an established d ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-15

Local companies sound emigration alarm to Hong Kong government

... ce. If we keep the borders closed, Hong Kong won’t be Hong Kong.” Foreigners compare Hong Kong to Singapore and most countries in the West which have chosen to “live with the virus”, instead of aiming ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-14

How demographic challenges are shaping China's investment story

... sector to keep real estate prices in check. While a degree of regulatory overhaul would likely create complexities in China’s investment story going forward, the country’s commitment to solving its de ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-11

Ukraine:Will Beijing display ‘Chinese wisdom’ to help end war?

... d and to “keep contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to global governance.” Now is the time to apply such wisdom. Other countries look to China to play a major role. On March 1, the Ukrainian forei ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-08

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