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... 電台、第一財經電視、鳳凰衛視、彭博新聞等專訪,分析未來A股之路。 說真的,細看雙方的分歧,其實是擴大了,A股要 ...全文



... 基說今年2月接受包括鳳凰衛視等訪問是「有導演」,並非出於自願,鳳凰衛視回應稱,當時是按照慣例,向有關部門提出採 ...全文



銅鑼灣書店5子先後失蹤,鳳凰衛視及澎湃新聞網今年2月底曾播出桂民海、林榮基等人認罪片段。不過,林榮基揭發有關訪 ...全文


自言偷渡北上 決放棄居英權

... 警方銷案。李波又接受鳳凰衛視及《星島日報》訪問,稱決定放棄居英權,又稱自己以「偷渡方式」回內地,是為免有人對他 ...全文


3 booksellers but not Gui may be out on bail soon: Reports

Three of the five missing Hong Kong booksellers could return to Hong Kong from mainland China on bail in the near future, mainland news website The Paper and Phoenix Television reported late Sunday ni ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

Chinese man pulls off fake car accident scam in Japan

Cash-for-crash scams, in which people stage fake accidents to extort money from scared car drivers, have been fairly common in some Chinese cities in recent years. Now a Chinese national has recently ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-06

Oops... CCTV thinks Gundam is part of the Japanese military

Gundam, a popular Japanese animation series, has just been made part of Japan's Self-Defense Forces in a Chinese official video. The mix-up was apparently made by an over-eager video editor of state b ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-02

Phoenix TV host gets suspended jail term for smuggling

A television host with Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV has been given a suspended jail sentence and fined HK$5,500 (US$709) for cigarette smuggling. Ma Bin, a former presenter with state broadcaster CCTV, ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16

HK lags behind Macau in formulating national security law

Chan Zuo'er, former deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, said Macau was able to pass a national security law in 2009, ahead of Hong Kong, although it returned to China two years ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-22

Govt should teach young people right from wrong: CY

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said at a closed-door forum on Saturday that the government cannot just try to soothe young people and play the good guy in front of them. Instead, he said, it should h ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-24

HK appetite for stocks bigger than mainland's

Hong Kong is a small island, but it has a big appetite for stocks. By contrast, although mainland China is huge, it seems to like smaller stocks. These are a couple of observations from the landmark d ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-18

Time to switch off ATV for good

Most Hong Kong people believe Asia Television (ATV) has completed its "historical duty" as a free TV broadcaster and should make way for other players to bring in investment and innovation to rejuvena ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-26

Hong Kong woman in isolation for Ebola-like symptoms

A Hong Kong woman has been placed in a hospital isolation ward after complaining of Ebola-like symptoms. The woman recently returned from a trip to Africa where the deadly Ebola virus has killed more ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-30

China slams Japan for failing to confront history, report says

The worsening relationship between China and Japan is to be blamed on Tokyo's failure to recognize and confront history, especially its denial of invasion during the war, Phoenix TV cited Fu Ying, cha ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-03

POLICY WATCH: ‘Golden week’ holiday sparks row

Public holiday arrangements may seem the last thing the ruling Chinese Communist Party needs to worry about. Not true. An ongoing nationwide views-gathering exercise launched by a CPC national committ ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-18

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