
共 1155 個結果
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... Ecosystem Block 71(ICE 71)。 2016年,新加坡政府投入1000萬美元設立東盟網絡安 ...全文



... 60和Walter Block編的Economics and the Environment: A Recon ...全文


Why Michael Tien may be unseated as Legco railways panel chief

... ailure to block a motion moved by the pan-dems demanding the resignation of Secretary for Transport and Housing Frank Chan Fan and MTR Chairman Frederick Ma Si-hang during the subcommittee’s last meet ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-09

宏利反駁狙擊 斥訴訟無理

... 洛克(Carson Block)進一步解釋,宏利子公司或被迫要容許數十億美元,在30天內流入,而30天的資金, ...全文


Sunscreen chemicals found in seafood pose health risks: study

... absorb or block UV radiation and are extensively used in personal care products such as sunscreens, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Led by Dr. Kelvin Leung Sze-yin, associate professor of the ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-05


... 洛克(Carson Block)表示,宏利與對沖基金Mosten歷時多年的訴訟,很可能在今年審結,將導致公司損 ...全文


開市焦點:美債息衝擊 港股或下試26219

... 水主管Carson Block指出宏利與對沖基金Mosten歷時多年的訴訟很可能在今年審結,將導致公司損失數以 ...全文


渾水沽空宏利 指訴訟或致數十億損失

... 水主管Carson Block公布有關消息時指出沽空宏利的理由,表示該保險公司與對沖基金Mosten歷時多年的 ...全文


河套區建智慧城市 區塊鏈促深港合作

... 城市採用「區塊鏈」(block chain)科技推行「智慧交易」,減低因交易資訊不對稱而導致訴訟的風險。 去中 ...全文


Probe launched after woman, 56, dies in Yuen Long fire

...  floor of Block 5 of Emerald Green, a luxury private estate on Shap Pat Heung Road, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. About 72 firefighters and paramedics, with 19 fire engines and ambulances, r ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-24

US sanctions Chinese military over Russian arms purchases

... ort. They block the Chinese agency, and Li, from applying for export licenses and participating in the US financial system. It also adds them to the Treasury Department’s list of specially designated ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-21

Tencent seen under further pressure amid China gaming crackdown

... atory roadblocks, a fuzzy overseas strategy and growing debt, Reuters reports. "There is no sign the government has the will to loosen its grip on content-related businesses," Max Guo, associate direc ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-13

Two hundred evacuated after blaze at Tsing Yi apartment block

About 200 residents of an apartment block in a public rental housing estate in Tsing Yi had to be evacuated in the evening on Monday following a fire at a unit in the building. A blaze was reported at ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-11


... 契全屬「集體官契」(Block Crown Lease)。按地契,業主沒有發展權(此牽涉《建築物條例》下的構建 ...全文


Myanmar judge jails Reuters reporters for seven years

... alists to block or punish them for their reporting of a mass killing of Rohingya Muslims. “I have no fear,” Wa Lone said after the verdict. “I have not done anything wrong ... I believe in justice, de ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-03

OneCHARGE aims to help boost HK's EV-related infrastructure

... stumbling block to faster uptake of EVs in the city. According to the statistics of the Environmental Protection Department and the Transport Department, as of the end of January this year, there were ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-27

US regulator to review decision rejecting bitcoin ETFs

The US Securities and Exchange Commission said on Thursday that it will review a decision by its staff to block nine bitcoin-based exchange-traded funds from coming to market, Reuters reports. Staff a ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-24

Ex-Trump lawyer pleads guilty to campaign-finance violations

...  judge to block prosecutors from reviewing the materials they had seized, citing attorney-client privilege. The effort was unsuccessful. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-22

美股廢除季度財報 投資人痛陳弊端

... 創。」Carson Block是沽空機構渾水(Muddy Waters)的創始人,他稱,「投資者,無論是作空還 ...全文


Google employees demand transparency on China search engine plan

... hat would block websites and search terms deemed sensitive by Beijing, media reports said earlier this month. Disclosure of the secretive effort has disturbed some Google employees and human rights ad ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-17

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