
共 845 個結果
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日股追升 軟銀潛力大

... 則由於推出新款遊戲機Switch帶動,有力突破去年年中Pokémon GO熱潮的高位。日本通脹數據亦已回復正數 ...全文


Property firms begin showing more concern toward their staff

... nds.  The switch hasn't been easy, for sure. After all, it takes a lot to change the mindset of our real-estate tycoons, most of who are from Chinese traditional families and far removed from the West ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-02

Theresa May will win but not by a landslide

... likely to switch to the Conservatives. David Graham, a university lecturer, said he had not decided for whom to vote. “But Corbyn has not explained to us how he will fund the ambitious objectives of h ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-01

Switch意外大賣 任天堂再見曙光

... ,主要是拜新遊戲裝置Switch大賣所賜,但任天堂能否保持這個勢頭,長遠來說關鍵在於軟件,並非硬件。 Swit ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年06月01日

Switch新機熱賣 任天堂爭搶零件

任天堂新一代遊戲機Switch銷售氣勢如虹,《華爾街日報》引述知情人士透露,任天堂希望提高產量,但礙於所需的零 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月31日


... 流優勢(看看任天堂的Switch遊戲機的搶購潮就可知),但隨着由歐美廠商壟斷的電競逐漸普及,下一代的香港機迷, ...全文


網購虎口 塊肉餘生

... ,是任天堂的新家用機Switch推出帶動銷售,加上控制成本有道所致,只視之為普通的業務反彈,不過,有留意百思買 ...全文


Is he Idiot of the Year or merely Idiot of the Week?

... empted to switch the spotlight onto legislator Kenneth Leung Kai-cheong, who he is suing for defamation and therefore, says CY, is prejudiced against him and thus cannot be a member of the committee. ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-19

勒索軟件肆虐150國 WannaCry或變種
「2.0」無法鎖死 傳播速度更快

... 鎖死鍵」(kill switch),不能透過註冊某個域名來關閉變種勒索軟件的傳播,使傳播速度更快。 網路安全公 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月15日

Police hunt for 'blessing gang' that targeted elderly citizens

...  and then switch the items secretly. Authorities launched an investigation after two women in their 70s reported that they lost more than HK$370,000 altogether in April and May, Ming Pao Daily reports ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-10

US to arm Syrian Kurds fighting Islamic State amid Turkey ire

... on should switch support for the planned assault on Raqqa from the Kurdish YPG militia to Syrian rebels Turkey has trained and led against Islamic State for the past year. But the US administration wa ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-10

撤稅務優惠 汽車銷情料回落

日本遊戲機開發商任天堂,今年3月初在港開售新遊戲機Switch後,至今仍是供不應求,任天堂公布首季業績時披露, ...全文


Let’s go for a run

... bility to switch attention between tasks, compared to those who do not engage in regular physical activity. In another study led by Simon Cooper, 44 12-year-olds were made to undergo cognitive functio ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-05

Risk from French presidential election still there

... out and a switch by some centrist voters. The Economic Policy Uncertainty Index has surpassed the highs seen during the euro debt crisis and hit a fresh record. A Le Pen victory could bring a huge sho ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-04

巨頭聯手 天下我有

上月底中電信(00728)宣布,跟雲端數據同埋多租戶數據中心開發商Global Switch(GS),連同中國 ...全文


Switch熱賣 任天堂盈利料倍增

日本電玩巨擘任天堂昨天表示,由於新款Switch遊戲機銷情理想,本財政年度整體銷售額可望急升53%,扭轉過去8 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年04月28日

英首富兄弟來港 夥中電信拍住上

... 營運商Global Switch大股東魯本(Reuben)兄弟,他倆專誠來港與中電信(00728)旗下中國電信 ...全文


港MVNO服務6月推 無意挑起價格戰

... 營運商Global Switch,以及德利迅達簽署合作協議,將圍繞數據中心發展新的市場及聯合市場推廣合作,提供 ...全文


Why it's getting harder for stockpickers to beat the market

... estors to switch into index funds, moving away from funds involved in selective stock picking. There are a number of reasons why it's getting harder for stockpickers to beat the market. First of all, ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-24

Flying car costing more than US$1 million unveiled in Monaco

... co, could switch to flight mode in less than three minutes. The wings fold away for driving on roads and swing out for flying. The company, one of several developing such flying vehicles, aims to mak ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-21

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