... , and how WeWork drives the change in the workplace industry. With I-house.com Token, users are able to invest and gain from the global real estate market, say, owning a slice of a resort in Japan wit ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-17
... nb可分租住宅,又有WeWork共享工作間。期望在以上用途之外,嘗試以區塊鏈技術投資一些物業發展項目,如日本度 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年04月13日
據彭博報道,太古地產(01972)與共享辦公室服務商WeWork訂租務協議,租出鰂魚涌太古城中心三座共4層樓面 ...全文
Shared workspace giant WeWork announced it is acquiring a digital marketing startup, Conductor, its fifth known acquisition in the past seven months, tech news website Recode reports. Conductor is a d ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-08
全球最大辦公空間租賃公司IWG貴為龍頭大哥,但市值遠遠不及規模細但時髦得多的競爭對手WeWork,身價只及對方 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年03月08日
... ies Inc., WeWork Cos., Didi Chuxing and NVIDIA. In 2017 the fund made 100 investments worth a combined US$36 billion, according to alternative assets data and intelligence provider Preqin. “The amount ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-02
... Airbnb or WeWork,” he said. “It’s tech guys in Silicon Valley driving into a new industry that has never had any technology. Construction is one of the worst.” Vision Fund made about 100 investments w ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-25
UrWork, China’s largest co-working space provider, has changed the brand of its service to Ucommune, two months after its US counterpart WeWork filed a complaint over trademark infringement. As Bloomb ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-28
... 對手、美國共享工作室WeWork今年9月入稟美國法院,控告優客工場商標侵權,10月又於香港興訟,除了要求對方撤 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月28日
共享辦公室品牌WeWork於周二(28日)宣布,收購社交網絡企業Meetup,透過其3500萬客戶的社群優勢, ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月30日
Co-working space provider WeWork is buying Meetup, an online social networking site for people to organize or join group meetings in the real world, adding another asset to the rapidly expanding renta ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-29
... 充的共享辦公室營運商WeWork,剛預租鰂魚涌太古城中心3期3層樓面,總建築面積約5萬方呎,月租逾200萬元, ...全文
... centre而家變咗WeWork,以前雞記而家變咗GoGoVan,你諗到咩? 2017年唔只係科技股再一次抬頭 ...全文
... provider WeWork has opened some facilities in Hong Kong. Among other players, Campfire, a Hong Kong-based co-working space service provider, has obtained seed funding of US$6 million (around HK$46.8 ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-26
在全球提供共享辦公室空間的WeWork周二宣布,與私募基金Rhone Capital合作,成功以8.5億美元( ...全文
... 的共享辦公空間租賃商WeWork周二以8.5億美元,收購百貨公司Lord & Taylor位於紐約的旗 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年10月26日
去年進軍香港的美國共用辦公室服務供應商WeWork,繼早前入稟美國法院,控告中國優客工場(UrWork)的商標 ...全文