... under the Windows group. Run by Terry Myerson, the Windows division is the company's biggest. A Finnish union representative told Reuters the cuts would essentially put an end to Microsoft's developme ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-26
... 或機構的系統及程式以Windows® 平台為主,若添置或改用平板電腦時,首選當然為同樣使用Windows®的平 ...全文
... 是專為商業用家及一眾Windows愛好者而設的Lumia 650雙卡雙待版本智能手機,以及LG最新的X系列智能 ...全文
... nting the windows upstairs. Restaurant license holders should meet the standards in terms of hygiene, fire safety, ventilation system, architectural structure, and so on. But some old outlets fail on ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-22
... even open windows at home at night. The school, which has about 1,500 pupils, said it was still trying to determine how many students were affected. A spokesman for the local government said five chem ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-21
... s, lancet windows, stained glass, arched colonnades, verandahs and pinnacles. On the second floor of Béthanie sits a modern multi-function room named after Hong Kong shipping magnate Sir Pao Yue-kong. ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-20
... 二合一電腦。全新運行Windows 10的筆記型電腦能支援10.5小時影片播放,即使乘搭長途飛機時,一口氣看三 ...全文
... 自己負責。 「仲用緊Windows XP」 龐博文稱,有不少商戶使用的信用卡系統相當過時,「仲用緊Window ...全文
... 看角度 流動平板運行Windows 10作業系統, 加上二合一設計將平板的流動性及手提電腦的生產力結合,可不受 ...全文
... ,定時更新電腦(包括Windows和Mac)和路由器,以堵塞惡意程式攻擊系統或軟件的潛在漏洞。另外,管理層亦可 ...全文
... 縮檔(.zip)針對Windows用家,但以JavaScript(.js)格式編寫的勒索軟件亦可於Mac OS ...全文
微軟周三稱,其最新作業系統Windows 10(視窗10)自推出至今8個月,累計活躍用戶已達2.7億,增長速度 ...全文
... to smash windows of buildings 1,000 kms away and the heat was strong enough to cause third-degree burns 100 kilometers away.” North Korea angered the international community in January when a fourth ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-15
... o lock up windows when young children are around. Accidents or deaths in children under 10 mostly arise due to household lapses, according to The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong. -- C ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-14
... It has no windows or balcony despite its prime location that commands an unobstructed panorama of the Hong Kong island – performances and exhibitions could otherwise be staged against the impressive b ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-10