
共 1620 個結果
頁數:1...24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ...81

Kik plans to challenge SEC over 2017 ICO: report

... nt from a peak of US$0.001 hit in January 2018. – Contact us at [email protected] BN/RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-28

No short-term solutions for staff shortage in public hospitals

... uring the peak season so that they can seek treatment at private hospitals or clinics, which in turn can ease the workload of public hospitals.  As of midnight Sunday, Tseung Kwan O Hospital had an oc ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-28

Early Lunar New Year break for pre-schoolers amid flu outbreaks

... ached its peak. The peak period generally lasts four to six weeks. Admission rates among children aged 5 or below rose to 10.58 people per 10,000 as of Saturday, Wong said, adding that flu outbreaks i ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-25

Tencent shares jump after Chinese regulators approve new games

... ue from a peak hit in January. Last week, Tencent released a test version of a third-party developed smartphone game in China based on US hit television show Games of Thrones, bolstering its pipeline. ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-25

How Carrie Lam can help lower homebuyers' mortgage burden

Home prices in Hong Kong have fallen 10 percent from their peak last year. Some believe the correction has been completed. But in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Chief ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-25

HA tries to lift staff morale with videos; urged to get real

... e current peak flu season, meaning nurses and doctors are working under great pressure. Given such situation, the Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff, at a meeting Sunday, urged the government to t ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24

Government shelves plan to adjust tunnel rates, for now

... e weekday peak-hour traffic at CHT and EHC has already significantly exceeded their respective design capacities and the traffic queues on connecting roads reflect serious congestion at the tunnels, w ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-23

The HA only has itself to blame for acute nurse shortage

... rs during peak flu seasons. Meanwhile, the AHKNS has also urged the HA to reintroduce the 16.5 percent cash allowances and incremental jumps of pay for healthcare workers in public hospitals. Hong Kon ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-22

Why passive investment may not work in HK stock market

... y hit the peak before 2007. But they keep dominating the index due to their large market capitalizations. How can one expect good performance under this condition? There is another thing I do not agre ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-22

Why HK's stock and property markets didn't fall further

At an investment outlook summit held by the Hong Kong Economic Journal last weekend, most guest speakers agreed that Hong Kong may not suffer much this year despite bearish sentiment in both the prope ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-22

Liquidity and low rates, wrong solutions for the wrong diagnosis

... ns at the peak of the largest monetary and fiscal stimulus in decades. It is easy to blame this widespread weakening on political headlines, trade wars, and -of course-Trump, but it would be disingenu ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-21

Fed chief keeps confusing the market

... ated to a peak of US$4.5 trillion from around US$800 billion before the 2008 financial crisis. It still printed around US$2.7 trillion even if its balance sheet drops back to US$3.5 trillion. I suppor ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-16

HK commercial rents keep rising even as residential market cools

Since its peak in August, transaction price of residential units in Hong Kong has fallen 5-10 percent on average. The Centa-City Leading Index ended 2018 at 174.49, representing a 7.5 percent slide  f ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-11

Pokfulam Peak撻訂洋房原價2.71億售出

土地註冊處資料顯示,盈信控股(00015)旗下西半山現樓洋房項目Pokfulam Peak早前遭撻大訂的92B ...全文


Should PBoC directly buy A-shares to support the market?

... uring the peak of of 1998 Asia Financial Crisis, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) used foreign exchange reserves to buy Hong Kong stocks as it tried to fight massive shorting by speculators. Th ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-11

亞洲樓王首現撻訂 買家損手3609萬
MOUNT NICHOLSON洋房去年售7.22億 歷來最貴

... 號Pokfulam Peak及西半山干德道39號天匯兩宗撻大訂個案【表】。 本地客「褪軚」 梁志堅指必有因 M ...全文


Should government help first-time homebuyers?

...  from its peak last year by the second quarter of this year, that might be a good opportunity for Chan to introduce the kind of new initiatives he is currently pondering.  This article appeared in the ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-09


2008年的那個New Year Eve,即我生日兼失業,一個人不知怎地走到Old Peak Road,我並沒 ...全文


經濟轉向需時 股市話變就變

... 出歷史新高,投資者對Peak iPhone發生於3年前未必全無所覺,但一來銷售趨勢確認需時;二來「果粉」不會那 ...全文


Does the 'Dogs of the Dow' strategy work for HK equities?

... nt from a peak level. This portfolio generated a loss of 1 percent last year, better than the 10.1 percent loss posted by the Hong Kong Tracker Fund (02800.HK) over the same period. However, such stra ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04

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