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看準handy Japan出租手機錢途 軟銀注資Tink Labs子企

... 2月底邀得日本聲寶(Sharp)投資30億日圓,攜手成立合資企業handy Japan。其後去年7月份起,正式 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年07月04日

Dell moves to go public without IPO

... egy is in sharp contrast to that of rival HP Inc., which separated in 2016 from Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., based on the reasoning that two technology companies focused separately on hardware and ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-03

聲寶取消發新股 股價大漲

日本電子巨擘聲寶(Sharp)周五宣布取消發行2000億日圓(約142億港元)新股的計劃,並歸咎中美貿易爭拗增 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年06月30日

Police looking into incidents of needles stuck in bus seats

... covered a sharp metal object piercing her bottom while she was on her seat. Later that night, a woman on a route 48X KMB bus heading for Tsuen Wan from Who Che in Sha Tin suffered a somewhat similar i ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-29

Tactical retreat from emerging market assets

... ve had to sharply raise interest rates to fend off currency pressure. Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa may have to follow suit. Are we in the throes of an old-style emerging market contagion? Probably ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-28

Emerging Asia remains attractive

...  markets. Sharp currency falls in Argentina and Turkey contributed to the risk-off sentiment towards emerging markets. Emerging Asia was also in focus as central banks in the region raised interest ra ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-25


被台灣鴻海納入旗下的日本電氣品牌SHARP,日前宣布將重新進軍手提電腦市場,並收購褪色巨人東芝的子公司Tosh ...全文


White House piles pressure on China after Trump tariff threat

... ina, fell sharply, chief among them soybeans, which fell to their lowest level on spot markets since December 2007. China’s commerce ministry said Beijing will fight back with “qualitative” and “quant ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-20

聲寶進軍寵物界 冀2020財年銷售額逾7億

日本電子巨擘聲寶(Sharp)宣布涉足寵物相關業務領域,力爭到2020財年使該項業務的銷售額達100億日圓(約 ...全文


S Korea crypto exchange Coinrail hacked; bitcoin tumbles

... 8, down a sharp 10.8 percent from Friday, having fallen roughly 65 percent from its all-time peak hit around mid-December 2017. Investors and regulators were jolted earlier this year after Japan’s cry ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

The legend of Liu Yi-chang

...  had very sharp sense about the city's housing market. And  the insights came through in his writings. "The higher the property prices, the more people were drawn to the market," he wrote in one of hi ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11

World Environment Day: IoT holds key to better future

...  charges, sharp focus on investing in road sensors, phased traffic lights and smart parking. All of these things have helped Singapore City reduce its levels of toxic gas emission by reducing the numb ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11

富士康轉型 業務多瓣數

... 。 由於收購了夏普(Sharp),富士康已經成為全球頂尖的顯示屏生產企業。其業務活動包羅萬象,包括成立自動駕駛 ...全文


Trump to stick with hard line on trade as G7 showdown looms

...  those to sharply criticize the US tariffs as unjustified and punitive. “There are disagreements. He’s sticking to his guns. And he’s going to talk to them,” Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic adviser ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

聲寶買蝕本貨 鴻海撐腰襄助

... 的日本電子巨擘聲寶(Sharp,又稱夏普)在2016年同意台灣鴻海集團入主,把控制權拱手讓給對方。 聲寶仍在日 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年06月07日


聲寶(Sharp)社長戴正吳表示,從東芝收購的個人電腦(PC)業務,將力爭一至兩年內實現盈利,讓投資回本。 聲 ...全文



全球個人電腦(PC)市場揭開新一章,曾是PC巨擘的東芝昨天宣布,把PC業務放盤給聲寶(Sharp),而且只以賤 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年06月06日


日本聲寶(Sharp)確認,將以40億日圓(約2.86億港元)收購日本東芝(Toshiba)的個人電腦(PC) ...全文



... C)業務出售予聲寶(Sharp)。 路透引述消息人士指出,已被台灣鴻海集團收購的聲寶正在談判敲定收購東芝個人電 ...全文



... 收市仍挫8%;聲寶(Sharp)股價也大跌3%。如果消息屬實,對這兩家廠商最不利,因為它們目前無法大規模生產O ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月30日

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