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Hearts that turn to stone

... ns didn’t target him? Maybe Lam distrusts the US legal system even though she wants us to trust and respect China’s legal system. When Lam tried to ram through her now-dead extradition bill last year, ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-24

Hearts that turn to stone

... ns didn't target him? Maybe Lam distrusts the US legal ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2020年09月24日


... Inflation Target),需要一段時間才能實現。 這個概念是:如果實現的通脹率降至2%以下,聯儲局應 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年09月23日

China economy continues to recover steadily

... ll behind target. Import growth from the US moderated further to 1.8% yoy in August, versus 3.6% yoy in July. Assuming the share of goods in the Phase-1 trade deal purchase list remains at past five m ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-16

The case for eventual inflation

At the annual Jackson Hole meeting, US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell announced that the central bank will now allow its average inflation to rise beyond its long-held 2% target in account of ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-08


《華爾街日報》報道,隨着美國總統大選臨近,Gap及Target等美國企業開始以有薪假形式,鼓勵員工擔任今年總統 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年09月08日

Real estate equities look most promising in Asia Pacific

... r housing target bespoke needs and are often very profitable Residential real estate is usually low risk and generates smaller returns Real estate prices including home prices rebounded quickly after ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-21

開市焦點:港股勢低開過百點 友邦業績曳 阿里放榜

... 支持。 美國大零售商Target和Lowe's的業績理想,推動零售股上揚,令標指得以連續第二天破頂,曾升0.2 ...全文


【國際早班車】加楓葉食品廠爆疫情 停向中國供豬肉

... 入預測同勝預期。■ Target第二季盈利按年升80.17%,每股盈利遠勝預期。■ 美國強生以65億美元現金收 ...全文


蘋果市值首衝2萬億美元 納指標指破頂後倒跌收

... 情重創 美國大零售商Target和Lowe's的業績理想,推動零售股上揚,令標指得以連續第二天破頂,曾升0.2 ...全文


Target銷售季升24% 創立58年來最勁

規模僅次沃爾瑪的美國百貨零售商Target,截至8月1日的季度網店及實體店銷售額按年攀升24.3%, 是該公司 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月20日

蘋果市值首衝2萬億美元 納指破頂

... 3%。 美國大零售商Target和Lowe's的業績理想,推動零售股上揚,令標指得以連續第二天創新高,曾升0. ...全文



美國大型零售商Target公布,第二季盈利16.9億元(美元.下同),按年上升80.17%,每股盈利3.38元 ...全文


美零售業組聯盟 打擊電商賣假貨

... (Walmart)和Target等零售巨頭。 針對亞馬遜eBay等平台 隨着網購興起,電商平台上經常出現假貨, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月17日

Turning America’s bad jobs into good jobs

... ants with target occupations; and individualized services for program completion and job success. The task is to make these programs affordable while also including wrap-around assistance like counsel ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-13

A deer is a horse in Orwellian Hong Kong

... s already targeted over 20 people within a month, including four students for online postings. Remove the Orwellian glasses if you want to see government hypocrisy at work. It accused the US of state ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-13

A deer is a horse in Orwellian Hong Kong

... s already targeted over 20 people within a month, inclu ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2020年08月13日

Reforming education in the post-COVID-19 era

... mance and target the learning differences. Hybrid Learning synthesises the advantages of face-to-face and online learning. After rigorous professional training and development, teachers can integrate ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-12

How low is low for HSBC?

... de to its target price. Things can be worse for the rest of the year. The bank said it will continue to face a wide range of potential economic outcomes for the second half of 2020 and into 2021, part ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-05

Google Cloud:疫情促進網上購物

... 樣的需求淹沒。 包括Target和沃爾瑪(Walmart)在內的零售商表示,新冠病毒擔憂將減少店內營業時間,假 ...全文


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