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AV Concept料中期業績改善

AV Concept(00595)行政總裁蘇智安【圖】表示,早前持有一間南韓上市公司的股份,由於其股價波動,拖 ...全文


CE race: Some 'healthy' wild cards

All told, health is the most important asset that anyone can have. And so it is in politics. Sometimes even an association with a health organization can make one seem have an upper hand in a politica ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-16

What Hongkongers would like to win at the annual office bash

Forget iPhone 6 or iPad 3. It's sort of nice to have them, but neither would probably make you scream in delight when your name is announced as the winner of the grand prize at the Lunar New Year offi ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-16

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