... crowd may block their view of the famous tech entrepreneur. And remember: no shorts, no sandals. Of course, it's not a formal affair, and Lei himself will probably be wearing a T-shirt and jeans, in k ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-21
... 掃貨。 荃灣THE BLOCK SEA拆售16單位 另外,市場消息傳出,上環乙廈德輔道西九號兩層中層樓面,每層 ...全文
... 創始人Carson Block針對在美國上市的內地網上教育企業好未來(TAL Education),直指後者以 ...全文
... 計複雜的區塊鏈技術(block chain)。另一方面,大數據的私隱問題,深遠巨大的影響有時也成了擔憂。 人工 ...全文
沽空機構渾水創始人Carson Block發布沽空報告,狙擊美國上市的內地網上教育企業好未來(NYSE:TAL ...全文
... tinues to block American goods.” In 2001, George W. Bush entered office with the idea that with the demise of the Soviet Union, China would pose the next major security threat to the US. However, afte ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-14
... 創始人Carson Block發布做空報告,做空在美國上市的內地網上教育企業好未來(NYSE:TAL),指好未 ...全文
... tinues to block American goods." In 2001, George W. Bus ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年06月14日
AT&T secured court approval on Tuesday to buy Time Warner for US$85 billion, beating an attempt by the Trump administration to block the blockbuster deal. “I conclude that the government has fail ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-13
The US open internet rules expired on Monday, handing sweeping new powers to internet providers to block, throttle or offer paid "fast lanes" for web traffic, but a court battle remains ahead, Reuters ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-12
... 9附屬獲Higgs Block以配售形式入股5%■ 房委會3個屋苑共4431個單位截止申請,收到15.2萬份申 ...全文
時富金融(00510)及時富投資(01049)公布,附屬鯰魚金融科技,向Higgs Block配售50萬股,涉 ...全文
... right to block applications that violated its principles. The Google official acknowledged that enforcement would be difficult because the company cannot track each use of its tools, some of which ca ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-08
... ds on the block are concerned, they are not only substantially younger, but are also relatively moderate and conciliatory compared to their predecessors. For instance, Kim Su-gil, the new director of ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-07
沽空機構渾水(Muddy Waters)創辦人布洛克(Carson Block)接受外電訪問時稱,過去10年在 ...全文
... that will block websites such as Google and Facebook from tracking consumer activity via share buttons. When Safari users visit a page with a Facebook share button, a prompt, a single line of text dis ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-06
... ashion to block this deal right away.” US companies provide an estimated 25 to 30 percent of components in ZTE’s equipment, which includes smartphones and gear to build telecommunications networks. Th ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-06
... omised to block the arrival of boat migrants from Africa and to deport up to 100,000 illegal immigrants per year. “The objective is to save lives. And this is done by preventing the departures of the ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-04