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內地媒體引述消息人士報道,運動平台Keep計劃明年1月向聯交所提交上市申請文件,並有望最快在5月完成上市。 據 ...全文


Disney+新體驗 跟觀眾建情感連結

... 尼經典金句:「We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and ...全文


Why do men often spell their favorite car brands wrong?

... y need to keep in mind when doing so.” One of his suggestions is, obviously, to pick a “digestible” name, something that is not too difficult to say or spell. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-12

The Accomplishments Treadmill

... signed to keep us compliant and complicit in the injust ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月10日

The accomplishments treadmill

... signed to keep us compliant and complicit in the injustices that pervade our societies. The accomplishment treadmill goes hand in hand with the neoliberal logic that has tacitly endorsed and lent acti ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-08

【輪證贏家】恒指反彈 小心三線滙聚VS街貨

... STC(14,3)就Keep住喺高位橫行,去到依家10點2分,情況都係一樣。市未有太大轉變時,聊天室戰友都會傾 ...全文


Quarantine rules could last until end of 2022

... rms would keep their HK/China headquarters here but some had moved Asia/Pacific base to Singapore, Tokyo and other cities. “With the current restrictions, how can a manager supervise his factories and ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-04

Quarantine rules could last until end of 2022

... rms would keep their HK/China headquarters here but som ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年11月04日

Soul酷家樂Keep 傳改道港掛牌

中國收緊企業赴美上市審查之後,多家中資公司傳出改道香港IPO。據外電報道,社交平台Soul、運動平台Keep以 ...全文



外電引述知情人士表示,中國社交網絡平台Soul和運動平台Keep的創業公司,在暫停美國上市計劃後,考慮赴香港首 ...全文


How to handle stress while teaching in a foreign country

... nd cafes. Keep yourself safe Getting to know a new area, especially the space and people in it, can take some time. While you're still getting your bearings, you're more vulnerable than usual, and if ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-28

The inflation catch-up game

... l need to keep a close eye on firm concentration. It is good news that, after initially and persistently misreading US inflation dynamics, more Fed officials are now starting to come to grips with the ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-26

Asia businesses face increasing ESG liability risks

Headlines on climate change, ethical supply chains and large-scale corporate fraud continue to keep Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues in the spotlight across the world, including in A ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-22


... titled to keep the skin and some choice portion of the ...全文


Trade and the future of food

... h year to keep economically unviable fishing fleets at sea – a policy that drives depletion of fish stocks. Farm-support programs can similarly distort food and agricultural markets, with fossil-fuel ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-19

A facelift for Facebook

... ns, which keep users clicking and viewing. Platforms like Facebook deploy such “behavioral nudges” to ensure that users continue to see ads – the single biggest source of Facebook’s $86 billion in ann ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

郭炳江化身大廚 教基層兒童整餅

... 咁肥,仲透露自己正在keep fit。 他又分享了面對逆境時的感受,感謝家人和朋友的支持,令困難最終得以解決, ...全文


After “Doing Business”

... ention to keep working on business-climate issues. But to re-establish itself in this domain, it will have to overcome a deep trust deficit and take drastic steps to restore public confidence in its d ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-12

Will the Federal Reserve support inclusive prosperity?

... erence to keep rates low to achieve full employment. According to recently released transcripts, Powell was consistent in his pro-tightening views. As early as 2013, he was telling then-Chair Ben Bern ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-05

取樣耗時淪回顧 促病毒直送院校分析

... 取輸入個案的樣本,「keep住個data base」,一旦再有本地個案便可更易追蹤,「就算唔可以搵到100%( ...全文


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